Top 10 most wanted The Loyal Subjects BST AXN figures

A really interesting line I've been seeing around is the BST AXN line by the Loyal Subjects, a company I'd never heard of before, but this line is really sticking out to me for its ability to seemingly do figures of anything. There is such a random assortment of real life figures, tv show, and movie characters in the waves that have been released so far and I love it. Big franchises like Lord of the Rings and Naruto are obvious for figure treatments, but others like Napoleon Dynamite and the old Beetlejuice cartoon are such surprises and I cannot wait to see what the line does next! While the figures may not be as high end as other companies, it is still a really fun line, and these are the top 10 figures I hope to see come from this melting pot of a line!

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10. More musicians

Musicians and rock stars have a big stake in the line already, with Slash, Angus Young, and multiple Kiss members present! I hope this continues, especially to round out the Kiss band which will be an awesome display, as well as I hope other famous musicians will be included like Freddie Mercury and Elton John who both have iconic looks that could translate into fun figures. 

9. Big Trouble in Little China and Escape from New York

The inclusion of Big Trouble in Little China was one of the highlights from the line's initial offerings, especially so in that it was one of the Gods of the movie and not the principle character which would have been an obvious choice. Going forward though I'm hoping that Kurt Russel's character is included, as well as Lo Pan and the other two Gods to go alongside Lightning! Keeping on the Kurt Russel subject, Snake Plissken is an iconic action movie hero that is in dire need of a figure from any company.

8. Harry Potter
While I was really excited about Mcfarlane taking on the Harry Potter license, it seems that they've stopped producing figures for that franchise which is really unfortunate. There are so many great characters and designs to be made in figure form, and I hope BST AXN is the place to pick up the slack. They've been doing figures based on licenses that are held by other companies already, like Naruto, Lord of the Rings, and TMNT, so Harry Potter will hopefully be available to them to mine.

7. Indiana Jones
Another famous action hero due for another spot in the action figure world is Indiana Jones, a staple of classic film and someone whose design lends itself perfectly to the figure realm. Indy's hat and whip have both become instantly recognizable symbols of movie culture, and whether this line does only Indiana Jones himself or several of his supporting characters and villains I'd be happy to see a figure of this character again.

6. Bobobo
The line has also includes quite a few different Anime properties at this point as well, ranging from Naruto to Full Metal Alchemist, to Cowboy Bebop. Bobobo is a franchise and show that I've been hoping to see proper figures of for a long time. The pure insanity, randomness, and niche nature of the show is a staple of my childhood and with how random some of BST AXN's choices for the line have been, hopefully it'll soon be time for Bobobo to shine.

5. Edward Scissorhands
Looking through the website for the Loyal Subjects, it looks like they've done other kind of knick knack products for the movie Edward Scissorhands, which I would absolutely love to get a figure based on. It is one of Johnny Depp's best roles in my opinion, and the design itself for Edward is just stunning, and wholly iconic. The deep black outfit, completed by the wacky hair and the namesake scissor hands, all has the making for what'd be a fantastic figure.

4. Alita: Battle Angel
After Alita came out in 2019 it instantly became one of my favorite movies, and it's been unfortunate to now be two years out from the movie and to not have either a confirmation of a sequel, or an affordable action figure out on the market. The designs of this movie were so cool, robotic, and toyetic, so I hope that we can get figures of this movie soon. Alita herself is an obvious choice, with supporting characters like Grewishka, Zapan, and any of the Motorball players also having the basis of fantastic action figure designs. 

3. Donnie Darko
Another one of my all time favorite movies is Donnie Darko, which is such a mind-bending experience. Watching it, there isn't the immediate jump to the idea of action figures being made but the designs of the movie would lend themselves so well to just some creepy looking figures on the shelf. Years and years ago Neca made a figure (Essentially a statue) of Frank the Bunny who would be amazing to get an updated, articulated figure for. Donnie himself in his skeleton costume would be really cool as well!

2. The Warriors
Now this would make for a great set of action figures. Warriors is such an underrated film that I don't hear people talk about enough, and the designs and costumes from the movies for all the different gangs would be awesome to get as figures. The Warriors themselves are an obvious group, along with the primary Rascal antagonist, the Punks, but above all I'd want new figures of the Baseball Furies who are no doubt one of the most iconic designs from the film!

1. Mad Max
For the number one spot on this list I'm settling in with the Mad Max franchise, a series that seems like no one wants to do updated figures for! When Fury Road came out and injected new life into the franchise, it was the perfect time for a company to jump on it but none did, and while I'm still hoping that a company like Neca or Mcfarlane might jump on the license, BST AXN could be a cool place to randomly just throw in a Mad Max figure into the line up. Beyond that, I'd love a whole cast of Mad Max figures for the shelf, from Immortan joe to Furiosa, to the Humungus!


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