Black Lightning S01 EP10 Review
(Image Source) (Image Source) Black Lightning returned again this week with an episode that makes a great big leap when it comes to some plot points, but seems to muddle through others that the show hasn't quite gotten a hold of. Jefferson and Gambi's conflict was pushed to a new realm this week while the overarching ASA story made strives in making itself a more compelling antagonist. Lala was back again being undead, and more about Jennifer's powers were discovered. Let's dive in first with what the episode did right! Before this episode I was very devil may care about the ASA and everything surrounding them, they just seemed like another shady company that was doing some bad stuff, which we've seen in almost every format and franchise everywhere. Seeing the ASA in action though was refreshing and I'm opening up to them as the villains of this season (Though I still sorely miss Tobias Whale, who was absent for the third episode in a row!). I do ho...