Top 10 most wanted Transformers Studio Series figures
After the third film in the franchise, Dark of the Moon, I lost interest in the Transformer's figures as a whole as the quality seemed to fall further along with the newer robots not being as appealing to me for some reason. I fell out of the Transformers collecting community entirely, and then I heard about the upcoming Studio Series line from Hasbro. A line that would go through all of the movies and produce figures from all five films; creating new versions of characters already done, while also making it a big point to make figures that did not get made before. The line has already made good on that promise with Crowbar from Dark of the Moon finally being made, with the new Grimlock and Blackout figures being better than anything we received before. It made me excited for Transformers collecting again, and these are the top ten figures that I am hoping to see in the near future.
(Note: ROTF/DOTM Starscream and Ironhide have not been officially confirmed but have been leaked, so they will not be on this list)
Honorable mention: Daytrader
I admittedly have never watched the Last Knight, the trailer did not make it look good, and my friends said that it was not good, so I just watched clips of certain scenes online. One of the only new bots to really catch my attention was Daytrader, for some reason he just stuck out to me, and I'd be interested in seeing him in the line at some point.
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10. Crankcase
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After watching Dark of the Moon I immediatly loved the trio of Decepticons that had attacked the Autobots on the road, and so when I went out to find the toys I was sad to find that Crankcase was the only one that got a true figure. Years later, we now have Crowbar coming to shelves and I have new hope that I will get to display the three together. I would need a new Crankcase to fit in properly with the new figures, and essentially it would be a repainted Berserker figure, so in a way I have already seen what Crankcase's figure will be.
9. Junkheap
(Image Source)
Age of Extinction when it came out was my least favorite film in the Transformers franchise, and nearly every bot in the movie did not stick out to me in any impressionable way; either being boring in design or abrasive in character. The moment I saw a garbage truck split into three different robots though I felt hooked, despite the limited screentime the character got. I have a soft spot for combiners, and a three pack of deluxe figures would work perfect for this character who should have been featured more heavily.
8. TF3 Soundwave
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I remember going into Dark of the Moon not knowing what Soundwave's alternate form was, though I knew he had come to Earth and taken a new form. Even during the film it was kept a secret until the out of nowhere reveal that he had been hiding as Carly's car. Aside from the plot twist that took me by surprise, Soundwave's design in Dark of the Moon looked really cool to me, especially in regards to all the disks along his arms. The character unfortunately did not get to do much, and the fact that he laughs in the movie still bugs me to this day (being that Soundwave typically has no emotions, and therefore should not be capable of laughing), but Soundwave remained one of the characters who stuck out to me most in the movie. He originally had a deluxe figure planned, but it never saw wide release after being cancelled, and it became one character I wanted to add to my collection but lost the chance to.
7. Que
(Image Source)
Just like Dark of the Moon Soundwave, Que was a character who had a deluxe figure planned but eventually cancelled from wide release. He did not get to see any action in the film, but his passive, quizzical nature more than made up for that, not to mention his slick design including the headpiece that was made to resemble Einstein. Que's death happened to be one of the more tragic deaths of the franchise, in part since he knew he would die and there was nothing to stop it, and Bumblebee's line afterwards, "Goodbye, my old friend," made it all the more touching to see the under used new bot perish.
6. Hatchet
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The third of the high way Decepticons from Dark of the Moon, and one that would have to be an entirely new mold as opposed to Crankcase. Hatchet's dog-like form was like a beefed up, super version of Ravage, and I always thought that he looked fittingly menacing and monstrous for a Decepticon, and hopefully he'll make his way into the line at some point.
5. Scrapper
(Image Source)
The Constructicons were my favorite bots from the original G1 cartoon, and seeing them in live action was a sweet buffet of goodness for me even if they did not get to do anything besides combine and be killed. All of the Constructicons from the film were made besides three, and Scrapper was one of them despite appearing in the movie, albeit painfully briefly. The Constructicons have always been one of the favorite parts of any Transformers mythos, and having a full line-up of Movie-verse Constructicons is a new dream of mine.
4. Hightower
(Image Source)
Continuing the dream of a full Constructicon line up; Hightower was one of the two Constructicons to appear in the film but never transform into robot mode. He was present to combine into Devastator, but never got to tout a robot form, and in part that could possibly be the reason that a figure of him never made it to production. From the above concept art, it was clear that his alternate mode was a unique one, an alien one that made him stick out from the others, and I hope to one day have a figure for it sitting on my shelf.
3. Overload

(Image 1 Source) (Image 2 Source)
The third and final Constructicon to appear on my list, Overload was another like Hightower who never got to appear in robot mode, though from both of the two concept arts seen above it is clear that he has one of the most interesting and cool robot modes of the whole franchise. The spider legs are the thing of nightmares, and even with only two legs his multiple appendages make him stick out from the rest. Overload is one I wish had transformed in the movie, and that I now hope will have a figure to terrify me whenever I walk past it.
2. Devcon
(Image Source)
You may notice that Dark of the Moon seems to be a trend on this list, and that is because there were so many characters from the film that did not get into my greedy hands. One of those that has another chance at becoming a reality is Devcon, or also called the "Cloverfield Decepticon," for his resemblance from to the monster from that film. Devcon's design is awesome, there's no other way to say it, and the fact that he becomes a Russian missile launcher is hilarious to me because I wonder where he found one of those to scan in Chicago. His screen time was under half a minute if I remember right, but he was still one of the coolest looking bots of the whole franchise, and a leader class figure is the only thing that will do him justice.
1. Voyager class Bonecrusher
(Image Source)
I point out voyager class for this one because we have already received a deluxe class figure, which I lovingly had until it broke. Bonecrusher was hands down my favorite Decepticon walking out of the first film, my favorite bot overall in fact after five different movies. Limited screen time aside, lack of character aside, Bonecrusher was just awesome. His design was cool, the claw on his back was cool, the way he skated instead of walked was cool, and his alternate mode was cool. Everything about this Decepticon was cool to me, and Hasbro has admitted that if they had been able to go back and make him a voyager class figure they would. They now have that chance, and I am eagerly waiting to see my favorite Decepticon make his way into the line.
Those are my most wanted figures from this line! Studio Series has made me excited to collect figures again, and while there are others who are much more likely to be made than some of the ones on my personal list, I still have hopes that one day I will get to fill out my collection with the characters that I have gone over above.
(Note: ROTF/DOTM Starscream and Ironhide have not been officially confirmed but have been leaked, so they will not be on this list)
Honorable mention: Daytrader
I admittedly have never watched the Last Knight, the trailer did not make it look good, and my friends said that it was not good, so I just watched clips of certain scenes online. One of the only new bots to really catch my attention was Daytrader, for some reason he just stuck out to me, and I'd be interested in seeing him in the line at some point.
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10. Crankcase
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After watching Dark of the Moon I immediatly loved the trio of Decepticons that had attacked the Autobots on the road, and so when I went out to find the toys I was sad to find that Crankcase was the only one that got a true figure. Years later, we now have Crowbar coming to shelves and I have new hope that I will get to display the three together. I would need a new Crankcase to fit in properly with the new figures, and essentially it would be a repainted Berserker figure, so in a way I have already seen what Crankcase's figure will be.
9. Junkheap
(Image Source)
Age of Extinction when it came out was my least favorite film in the Transformers franchise, and nearly every bot in the movie did not stick out to me in any impressionable way; either being boring in design or abrasive in character. The moment I saw a garbage truck split into three different robots though I felt hooked, despite the limited screentime the character got. I have a soft spot for combiners, and a three pack of deluxe figures would work perfect for this character who should have been featured more heavily.
8. TF3 Soundwave
(Image Source)
I remember going into Dark of the Moon not knowing what Soundwave's alternate form was, though I knew he had come to Earth and taken a new form. Even during the film it was kept a secret until the out of nowhere reveal that he had been hiding as Carly's car. Aside from the plot twist that took me by surprise, Soundwave's design in Dark of the Moon looked really cool to me, especially in regards to all the disks along his arms. The character unfortunately did not get to do much, and the fact that he laughs in the movie still bugs me to this day (being that Soundwave typically has no emotions, and therefore should not be capable of laughing), but Soundwave remained one of the characters who stuck out to me most in the movie. He originally had a deluxe figure planned, but it never saw wide release after being cancelled, and it became one character I wanted to add to my collection but lost the chance to.
7. Que
(Image Source)
Just like Dark of the Moon Soundwave, Que was a character who had a deluxe figure planned but eventually cancelled from wide release. He did not get to see any action in the film, but his passive, quizzical nature more than made up for that, not to mention his slick design including the headpiece that was made to resemble Einstein. Que's death happened to be one of the more tragic deaths of the franchise, in part since he knew he would die and there was nothing to stop it, and Bumblebee's line afterwards, "Goodbye, my old friend," made it all the more touching to see the under used new bot perish.
6. Hatchet
(Image Source)
The third of the high way Decepticons from Dark of the Moon, and one that would have to be an entirely new mold as opposed to Crankcase. Hatchet's dog-like form was like a beefed up, super version of Ravage, and I always thought that he looked fittingly menacing and monstrous for a Decepticon, and hopefully he'll make his way into the line at some point.
5. Scrapper
(Image Source)
The Constructicons were my favorite bots from the original G1 cartoon, and seeing them in live action was a sweet buffet of goodness for me even if they did not get to do anything besides combine and be killed. All of the Constructicons from the film were made besides three, and Scrapper was one of them despite appearing in the movie, albeit painfully briefly. The Constructicons have always been one of the favorite parts of any Transformers mythos, and having a full line-up of Movie-verse Constructicons is a new dream of mine.
4. Hightower
(Image Source)
Continuing the dream of a full Constructicon line up; Hightower was one of the two Constructicons to appear in the film but never transform into robot mode. He was present to combine into Devastator, but never got to tout a robot form, and in part that could possibly be the reason that a figure of him never made it to production. From the above concept art, it was clear that his alternate mode was a unique one, an alien one that made him stick out from the others, and I hope to one day have a figure for it sitting on my shelf.
3. Overload

(Image 1 Source) (Image 2 Source)
The third and final Constructicon to appear on my list, Overload was another like Hightower who never got to appear in robot mode, though from both of the two concept arts seen above it is clear that he has one of the most interesting and cool robot modes of the whole franchise. The spider legs are the thing of nightmares, and even with only two legs his multiple appendages make him stick out from the rest. Overload is one I wish had transformed in the movie, and that I now hope will have a figure to terrify me whenever I walk past it.
2. Devcon
(Image Source)
You may notice that Dark of the Moon seems to be a trend on this list, and that is because there were so many characters from the film that did not get into my greedy hands. One of those that has another chance at becoming a reality is Devcon, or also called the "Cloverfield Decepticon," for his resemblance from to the monster from that film. Devcon's design is awesome, there's no other way to say it, and the fact that he becomes a Russian missile launcher is hilarious to me because I wonder where he found one of those to scan in Chicago. His screen time was under half a minute if I remember right, but he was still one of the coolest looking bots of the whole franchise, and a leader class figure is the only thing that will do him justice.
1. Voyager class Bonecrusher
(Image Source)
I point out voyager class for this one because we have already received a deluxe class figure, which I lovingly had until it broke. Bonecrusher was hands down my favorite Decepticon walking out of the first film, my favorite bot overall in fact after five different movies. Limited screen time aside, lack of character aside, Bonecrusher was just awesome. His design was cool, the claw on his back was cool, the way he skated instead of walked was cool, and his alternate mode was cool. Everything about this Decepticon was cool to me, and Hasbro has admitted that if they had been able to go back and make him a voyager class figure they would. They now have that chance, and I am eagerly waiting to see my favorite Decepticon make his way into the line.
Those are my most wanted figures from this line! Studio Series has made me excited to collect figures again, and while there are others who are much more likely to be made than some of the ones on my personal list, I still have hopes that one day I will get to fill out my collection with the characters that I have gone over above.
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