The Flash S04 EP17 Review

After a painful few weeks of waiting, The Flash has finally returned with the 17th episode of the season and the reveal of the second to last bust meta that Devoe has been hunting down. There were plenty of great moments in the episode, storylines that seemed to tee up future developments, and solid characters moments that helped the episode shine.

The primary storyline centered around the metahuman "Null" who was portrayed as a petty thief with the ability to alter the gravity of an object. I wasn't too big of a fan of the actor's performance, but her actions were amusing to watch, especially with sending Barry into orbit. Her storyline is also where Jay and Silent Bob made their cameo appearance in the episode, and a funny one it was indeed with Jay's "I need this job!" being one of the lines that hit my funny bone during the episode. We also got further development of Ralph's character as Barry confronted him about why he is always so jokey and casual despite the danger that he is in, which lead to a touching story from Ralph about his father leaving him and his mother and Ralph taking up jokes as a way to try and make everything seem better. The story provided good development for their relationship, and their dynamic is one that entertains much more than the Barry/Wally dynamic from last season.

One of the secondary storylines of the episode dealt with Gypsy's father Breacher arriving and seeking out Cisco for help determining why his powers were failing him. Having Danny Trejo on the show is always a plus, and he provided great moments of comedy from his outbursts, "I am not a teenage girl!" to his attire as a retiree in the end. It was good seeing him play a more emotionally developed character rather than just a mean man, and while the storyline at first seemed to be throwaway, it paid off in the end as Breacher offered Cisco his job. This would mean that Cisco would get to be with Gypsy all the time, something he has wanted, but it would be at the expense of his place on the show. The scene ended without Cisco giving an answer, but it has possibly large ramifications about whether or not one of the core Flash characters will be leaving soon. Another plus from the Breacher storyline, we got to see an odd vampire planet.

Devoe's storyline was one that didn't offer much in the way of plot progression, but it was a great point of emotional contention and displayed how evil Clifford has become over the course of the season. Having his wife discover that she was under the influence of Weeper's tears and her reaction was heartbreaking, along with her confrontation with Devoe and the basic replaying of their first scene in the episode. Devoe hasn't been sick at all, he only says such so that his wife will be more devoted to him, and his created the Weeper specifically for the purpose that he knew his wife would eventually start to distrust him, which links to him initially telling Weeper that he had a specific purpose for him. Devoe's intelligence has proven itself once again, and the Weeper character which at first seemed coincidental turns out to be integral. I did think that Devoe was a bit too evil when he declared that his wife is nothing without him, because I liked the dynamic they had even if he was drugging her, he used to seem to believe in her on her own. I figure it was a nice twist though from earlier in the season when she told him that she is nothing without him, though from him it takes a much sinister meaning.

The ending tag for the episode involved Harry meeting with Gideon in Harrison Well's time vault, to which Gideon tells him that it had been over 1,000 days since their last meeting. I haven't done the math, but that predates his appearance on the show I think, so it makes me wonder what is going on here? Is Harry's efforts to defeat the Thinker going to lead him down a dark path?

The episode overall was a fun one that made me excited to have the show back. Ralph got moments to shine and to develop his character, along with only one bus meta remaining, Cisco possibly leaving, Devoe becoming more evil, and Harry possibly becoming evil; this season is chugging full speed ahead towards the finale in five episodes.


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