Top 10 most wanted Star Wars The Black Series figures
Hasbro's line of 6 inch Star Wars action figures is now several years deep into the line, with over a hundred figures produced, and no sign of slowing down soon with plenty of reveals from 2018's Toy Fair and multiple new movies on the way. Despite how far the toyline has reached into the movies, there are still a large amount of figures collectors are still vying for, and me myself have still been hoping for a lot of the same figures for years now. For this list, I will be going over the figures that I still want to see most from Star Wars the Black Series, some of whom are probably more likely than others, but all of whom I'm hoping to one day add to my collection.
(Note: spoilers for the Star Wars movies ahead)
Honorable mention: Amanaman
Amanaman was an alien from Jabba's palace that I believe appeared in one shot of the film, and that was when I specifically looked him up online to see where he appeared in the film. I remember having an old toy magazine from my dad that I loved looking through to see all the old toys, and the old 3.75 inch Amanaman figure from the original Star Wars lines was one that I always loved to look at since it looked so freaky. Being such a small character in the franchise, chances are slim to none that he will slip into the line at some point, but given the popularity of random background aliens of the original trilogy I have some hope that this freaky guy will be sitting on my shelf one day.
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10. Battle Droids
We have countless variations of Clone troopers and Stormtroopers in the line, not to mention the upcoming Rebel trooper, heck we even have First Order Stormtroopers and Resistance troopers, and with so many different types of soldier factions made already why aren't Battle droids in the line anywhere? The Clone troopers on our shelves need someone to fight! And Battle droids would offer a heavy dose of droids to the line which sorely lacks robots at this time, plus, Battle droids were just cool, all types of them, and they are pretty thin so the plastic would be cheap for them! Hasbro has even stated in an interview that they may consider doing them two to a pack since they would be so cheap to produce, please! We need Battle droids in this line, and I will take any version that they put out.
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9. Count Dooku
When I was a kid I really did not care about Count Dooku, but as a kid I didn't care about any characters who weren't a droid or alien, and now that I'm older the human characters are my favorites of the franchise, and my once indifference towards the Separatist leader has become adoration. Count Dooku did not get a whole lot to do in the movies, but was a standout whenever he appeared on screen easily dueling Anakin, Obi Wan, and Yoda in Attack of the Clones before effortlessly front flipping off stairs for no apparent reason in Revenge of the Sith; he's pretty fit for an elderly gentleman! He was a major player in the Clone Wars, and I always felt bad for him when his master, Palpatine, ordered his execution, the look on Dooku's face was tragic! And besides Vader, Palpatine, and Maul, Dooku is really the only other Sith in the entire franchise (Snoke and Kylo aren't Sith supposedly), and he's the last Sith we need to complete the dark side line up.
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8. Garindan Spy
Out of all of the random background creatures of the original trilogy none stood out to me more than the Garindan spy. I liked the mask, other than that there's not a whole lot to the design of this creature, but I just really dug the mask as a kid (unless that's a face and he's just wearing goggles, which is equally cool), and the buggy squeaks he made were always a sound my parents heard me running around imitating when I first saw him as a kid. He also got to be a final boss in one of the levels of Lego Star Wars 2, which was my first exposure to him and the original movies, and his appearance there was a lot of why I looked for him so much when I saw the movie.
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7. Aayla Secura/Kit Fisto

Since as a kid I was drawn to the aliens and the robots of Star Wars, it was very exciting for me to see a bunch of alien Jedi in the prequels, and none have been more interesting to me than Aayla Secura and Kit Fisto, and I used to always associate the two of them because they both had tentacle heads which I know is a bit presumptuous, but I was a kid, I ran around the house making Garindan squeaking noises so cut me a break. I couldn't decide between these two Jedi, I love them equally, Kit Fisto was cool, ominous with his black eyes, and had an amusing scene when he pushed C-3PO down in Attack of the Clones; and Kit Fisto also got to be one of the Jedi that Mace Windu brought to attempt to arrest the chancellor. Aayla Secura is blue, which is really pleasing to look at and was my favorite color when I was a kid, I also found her death very brutal and sad, and playing as her in Star Wars Battlefront 2 for the Playstation 2 was a delight for me. Jedi need more representation in the line, and so do aliens, and these two would be perfect for those slots.
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6. Jedi Exile Luke
I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I didn't really care too deeply for Luke in the original trilogy. I thought he was kind, and hopeful, but other than that not too deep as a character, and he still seemed to me like a little kid in Return of the Jedi instead of a fully fledged Jedi master. My surface level interest in Luke changed though when I saw Last Jedi, and we were introduced to a weathered, older version of Luke who was flawed, defeated, and far from the person we once knew. Luke had an ocean of depth in the Last Jedi, but was still the same person we knew from before, he was now a flawed character with a true arc filled with numerous moments of emotional grip that I didn't know I had for the character. Last Jedi made me care about Luke, made me feel sad for everything he had gone through, and seeing his hope and heroism return in the final act was mystifying for me, and watching the original movies again will mean much more knowing what Luke goes through after the conclusion of episode 6. The final shot of Luke staring out into the twin sunsets before fading away was heart wrenching for me, and from that moment I knew I needed a Jedi Exile version of Luke for my collection.
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5. Saw Gerrera
Despite a lot of what critics and fans will say about Rogue One, I thought it was fantastic and it instantly became my favorite Disney Star Wars film, and one of my favorite Star Wars films in general. In part to that was because of a cast of well thought out characters who were unique and unlike other characters who had appeared in the saga before, and one of the most unique characters was that of Saw Gerrera. A paranoid extremist who got his start in the Clone Wars, I didn't remember much of him from the cartoon before seeing the movie but I still loved his character and felt bad when he perished. He got more exposure to fans through the Rebels tv show, but Rogue One is still my favorite interpretation of him, with his battle hardened look and obsessed way of life. Out of all the characters in Rogue One, I feel that he is the one most forgotten since he dies early on, but he was one of my favorite characters from the film and one of the only characters from the movie still missing a figure.
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4. General Grievous
If someone is to say that General Grievous is a misused villain in the Revenge of the Sith, then they will also have to say that Darth Vader was misused in A New Hope. They both did not get much to do in their movies, but were cool when they were there. Grievous was a presence, an exceptionally amazing presence with a stellar design and excellent scenes. The opening of the movie centered around trying to rescue the chancellor from him, and Obi Wan's scenes with Grievous on Utapau later in the movie were a delight to watch. The moment that I saw his arms split in two and four lightsabers ignite I was shocked, because I couldn't believe that the coughing, hunch backed cyborg could get any cooler than he already was. He was not the main villain of episode 3, and he was primarily there in order to separate Obi Wan from the main cast so having Grievous die so early in the film is not a fault, he had to die in order for the Separatist army to fall, and before that death he got stellar scenes. They could have made the throwaway Separatist general just another human, but instead they decided to make him awesome. Make him a deluxe figure, give him four lightsabers, and interchangeable arms if you must, I'm already expecting a higher price point for his figure, and I am ready to pay it.
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3. Mace Windu
When it comes to cool Jedi, Mace Windu takes the cake for me. His emotionless, stone cold manner and no nonsense approach to every situation makes him appear as mean, ruthless, and a little dark which played perfectly towards his role in the movies as an antagonistic force towards Anakin's view of the Jedi. It also made him stand out to me, because not only was him somewhat of a jerk, but he was also powerful, said by Anakin to be the most powerful Jedi of all and it shows in the movies when he takes on Palpatine and wins. The image of him and his fellow Jedi walking through the doorway into the chancellor's apartment is still one of my favorite images of the franchise simply because of how awesome he looked. Mace Windu was a pretty cool Jedi, a major player in the prequels, had one of the most brutal deaths, and when looked at from a toy perspective: we need more Jedi! What better Jedi figure to make than one of the major characters of the franchise?
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2. Padme
The current generation appears to fawn over Rey in the new movies, and everyone else is devoted Leia fans; however, I think I have a minority position in that Padme is my favorite female lead of the franchise. She was strong willed, devoted, caring, action oriented when she needed to be, and strictly stuck to her diplomatic views while almost every other character resorted solely to a blaster or lightsaber. She stood for peace throughout the prequels when everyone else took part in war, and Natalie Portman played the part wonderfully. Her bountiful array of costumes gives Hasbro dozens of options to choose from when they decide to make her, though her arena outfit from Attack of the Clones is probably her most iconic outfit out of the bunch. As one of the most vital and integral parts of the entire Star Wars franchise, and one of the only major female characters of the saga, Padme is sorely missing when it comes to the action figure lineup, and I hope that one day she will make it onto my shelf.
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1. Bodhi Rook
My love for Rogue One comes back again, and this time it is for my favorite character of the movie. Bodhi was the one who jump-started the original trilogy by bringing Galen's message to the rebels, and it is a sort of poetry that the fate of the galaxy was in the hands of a nervous, jumpy man who had not been a part of violence or action throughout his whole life. He was the galaxy's equivalent to a truck driver, and the closest we've gotten to a truly relatable character in the movies. Bodhi was the everyman, someone who wasn't skilled with a blaster, not connected to the Force, and overall just a regular guy who was caught up in a galactic war that he had no real place in. Bodhi found his place though, overcoming his nervousness and fear to help the rebels win the day on Scarif before his sudden and shocking death. My Rogue One line up will forever be incomplete without him, and like Cassian in the movie, I am still trying to find the imperial pilot.
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That's my top ten most wanted figures from Hasbro's Star Wars the Black Series! I'm hoping to at least add a few of them to my shelf soon and whittle away at this list! This list may end up changing when Solo comes out, and if luck has it it will look drastically different by the end of the year past sdcc and nycc. Here's hoping!
(Note: spoilers for the Star Wars movies ahead)
Honorable mention: Amanaman
Amanaman was an alien from Jabba's palace that I believe appeared in one shot of the film, and that was when I specifically looked him up online to see where he appeared in the film. I remember having an old toy magazine from my dad that I loved looking through to see all the old toys, and the old 3.75 inch Amanaman figure from the original Star Wars lines was one that I always loved to look at since it looked so freaky. Being such a small character in the franchise, chances are slim to none that he will slip into the line at some point, but given the popularity of random background aliens of the original trilogy I have some hope that this freaky guy will be sitting on my shelf one day.
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10. Battle Droids
We have countless variations of Clone troopers and Stormtroopers in the line, not to mention the upcoming Rebel trooper, heck we even have First Order Stormtroopers and Resistance troopers, and with so many different types of soldier factions made already why aren't Battle droids in the line anywhere? The Clone troopers on our shelves need someone to fight! And Battle droids would offer a heavy dose of droids to the line which sorely lacks robots at this time, plus, Battle droids were just cool, all types of them, and they are pretty thin so the plastic would be cheap for them! Hasbro has even stated in an interview that they may consider doing them two to a pack since they would be so cheap to produce, please! We need Battle droids in this line, and I will take any version that they put out.
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9. Count Dooku
When I was a kid I really did not care about Count Dooku, but as a kid I didn't care about any characters who weren't a droid or alien, and now that I'm older the human characters are my favorites of the franchise, and my once indifference towards the Separatist leader has become adoration. Count Dooku did not get a whole lot to do in the movies, but was a standout whenever he appeared on screen easily dueling Anakin, Obi Wan, and Yoda in Attack of the Clones before effortlessly front flipping off stairs for no apparent reason in Revenge of the Sith; he's pretty fit for an elderly gentleman! He was a major player in the Clone Wars, and I always felt bad for him when his master, Palpatine, ordered his execution, the look on Dooku's face was tragic! And besides Vader, Palpatine, and Maul, Dooku is really the only other Sith in the entire franchise (Snoke and Kylo aren't Sith supposedly), and he's the last Sith we need to complete the dark side line up.
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8. Garindan Spy
Out of all of the random background creatures of the original trilogy none stood out to me more than the Garindan spy. I liked the mask, other than that there's not a whole lot to the design of this creature, but I just really dug the mask as a kid (unless that's a face and he's just wearing goggles, which is equally cool), and the buggy squeaks he made were always a sound my parents heard me running around imitating when I first saw him as a kid. He also got to be a final boss in one of the levels of Lego Star Wars 2, which was my first exposure to him and the original movies, and his appearance there was a lot of why I looked for him so much when I saw the movie.
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7. Aayla Secura/Kit Fisto

Since as a kid I was drawn to the aliens and the robots of Star Wars, it was very exciting for me to see a bunch of alien Jedi in the prequels, and none have been more interesting to me than Aayla Secura and Kit Fisto, and I used to always associate the two of them because they both had tentacle heads which I know is a bit presumptuous, but I was a kid, I ran around the house making Garindan squeaking noises so cut me a break. I couldn't decide between these two Jedi, I love them equally, Kit Fisto was cool, ominous with his black eyes, and had an amusing scene when he pushed C-3PO down in Attack of the Clones; and Kit Fisto also got to be one of the Jedi that Mace Windu brought to attempt to arrest the chancellor. Aayla Secura is blue, which is really pleasing to look at and was my favorite color when I was a kid, I also found her death very brutal and sad, and playing as her in Star Wars Battlefront 2 for the Playstation 2 was a delight for me. Jedi need more representation in the line, and so do aliens, and these two would be perfect for those slots.
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6. Jedi Exile Luke
I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I didn't really care too deeply for Luke in the original trilogy. I thought he was kind, and hopeful, but other than that not too deep as a character, and he still seemed to me like a little kid in Return of the Jedi instead of a fully fledged Jedi master. My surface level interest in Luke changed though when I saw Last Jedi, and we were introduced to a weathered, older version of Luke who was flawed, defeated, and far from the person we once knew. Luke had an ocean of depth in the Last Jedi, but was still the same person we knew from before, he was now a flawed character with a true arc filled with numerous moments of emotional grip that I didn't know I had for the character. Last Jedi made me care about Luke, made me feel sad for everything he had gone through, and seeing his hope and heroism return in the final act was mystifying for me, and watching the original movies again will mean much more knowing what Luke goes through after the conclusion of episode 6. The final shot of Luke staring out into the twin sunsets before fading away was heart wrenching for me, and from that moment I knew I needed a Jedi Exile version of Luke for my collection.
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5. Saw Gerrera
Despite a lot of what critics and fans will say about Rogue One, I thought it was fantastic and it instantly became my favorite Disney Star Wars film, and one of my favorite Star Wars films in general. In part to that was because of a cast of well thought out characters who were unique and unlike other characters who had appeared in the saga before, and one of the most unique characters was that of Saw Gerrera. A paranoid extremist who got his start in the Clone Wars, I didn't remember much of him from the cartoon before seeing the movie but I still loved his character and felt bad when he perished. He got more exposure to fans through the Rebels tv show, but Rogue One is still my favorite interpretation of him, with his battle hardened look and obsessed way of life. Out of all the characters in Rogue One, I feel that he is the one most forgotten since he dies early on, but he was one of my favorite characters from the film and one of the only characters from the movie still missing a figure.
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4. General Grievous
If someone is to say that General Grievous is a misused villain in the Revenge of the Sith, then they will also have to say that Darth Vader was misused in A New Hope. They both did not get much to do in their movies, but were cool when they were there. Grievous was a presence, an exceptionally amazing presence with a stellar design and excellent scenes. The opening of the movie centered around trying to rescue the chancellor from him, and Obi Wan's scenes with Grievous on Utapau later in the movie were a delight to watch. The moment that I saw his arms split in two and four lightsabers ignite I was shocked, because I couldn't believe that the coughing, hunch backed cyborg could get any cooler than he already was. He was not the main villain of episode 3, and he was primarily there in order to separate Obi Wan from the main cast so having Grievous die so early in the film is not a fault, he had to die in order for the Separatist army to fall, and before that death he got stellar scenes. They could have made the throwaway Separatist general just another human, but instead they decided to make him awesome. Make him a deluxe figure, give him four lightsabers, and interchangeable arms if you must, I'm already expecting a higher price point for his figure, and I am ready to pay it.
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3. Mace Windu
When it comes to cool Jedi, Mace Windu takes the cake for me. His emotionless, stone cold manner and no nonsense approach to every situation makes him appear as mean, ruthless, and a little dark which played perfectly towards his role in the movies as an antagonistic force towards Anakin's view of the Jedi. It also made him stand out to me, because not only was him somewhat of a jerk, but he was also powerful, said by Anakin to be the most powerful Jedi of all and it shows in the movies when he takes on Palpatine and wins. The image of him and his fellow Jedi walking through the doorway into the chancellor's apartment is still one of my favorite images of the franchise simply because of how awesome he looked. Mace Windu was a pretty cool Jedi, a major player in the prequels, had one of the most brutal deaths, and when looked at from a toy perspective: we need more Jedi! What better Jedi figure to make than one of the major characters of the franchise?
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2. Padme
The current generation appears to fawn over Rey in the new movies, and everyone else is devoted Leia fans; however, I think I have a minority position in that Padme is my favorite female lead of the franchise. She was strong willed, devoted, caring, action oriented when she needed to be, and strictly stuck to her diplomatic views while almost every other character resorted solely to a blaster or lightsaber. She stood for peace throughout the prequels when everyone else took part in war, and Natalie Portman played the part wonderfully. Her bountiful array of costumes gives Hasbro dozens of options to choose from when they decide to make her, though her arena outfit from Attack of the Clones is probably her most iconic outfit out of the bunch. As one of the most vital and integral parts of the entire Star Wars franchise, and one of the only major female characters of the saga, Padme is sorely missing when it comes to the action figure lineup, and I hope that one day she will make it onto my shelf.
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1. Bodhi Rook
My love for Rogue One comes back again, and this time it is for my favorite character of the movie. Bodhi was the one who jump-started the original trilogy by bringing Galen's message to the rebels, and it is a sort of poetry that the fate of the galaxy was in the hands of a nervous, jumpy man who had not been a part of violence or action throughout his whole life. He was the galaxy's equivalent to a truck driver, and the closest we've gotten to a truly relatable character in the movies. Bodhi was the everyman, someone who wasn't skilled with a blaster, not connected to the Force, and overall just a regular guy who was caught up in a galactic war that he had no real place in. Bodhi found his place though, overcoming his nervousness and fear to help the rebels win the day on Scarif before his sudden and shocking death. My Rogue One line up will forever be incomplete without him, and like Cassian in the movie, I am still trying to find the imperial pilot.
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That's my top ten most wanted figures from Hasbro's Star Wars the Black Series! I'm hoping to at least add a few of them to my shelf soon and whittle away at this list! This list may end up changing when Solo comes out, and if luck has it it will look drastically different by the end of the year past sdcc and nycc. Here's hoping!
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