Top 10 most likely Mega Construx Pokemon Sets

It seems like since SDCC during the summer there has been a drought when it comes to Mega Construx revealing new product. It has left me thinking what sets from their Pokemon line I would like to see next, and also what I think is most likely to be made next. There's upwards of eight generations of pocket monsters, a new game hitting stores, and hundreds of popular creatures that still must be made! This will be the top 10 Pokemon sets I think are most likely to be made.
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10. Other region's starter Pokemon
This is a beat of a cheat, but at the same time that is why I put it at the bottom of the list. We know starter Pokemon are multi-packs that have been released since the start of the line. We got the Kanto, Johto, and Alolan Pokemon like this and we will surely get the other starters as well. We still need Hoenn, Unova, Kalos, and Sinnoh, so it is just a waiting game as we sit back and wait for the official announcement of which of these groups are made. My personal pick for next would be the Hoenn starters, but with Alolan starters being the second group released it could mean that things will be out of order and any region's mascots could be popping up next.
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9. Alolan starter final evolutions (mostly Incineroar)
We have the first evolutions, as well as the mid-evolutions, so all we need left are the final evolutions and the Alolan starter set ups will be finished. Incineroar would be the most obvious choice for the first of these three lines to get the final evolution, as Torracat was made before his fellow mid-evolutions, and the popularity of the fire starter's line is palpable. Primarina and Decidueye are also highly likely, but if I had to put money on it I would say that Incineroar will be the first to be made as Mega Construx finishes out the Alolan starter evolutions.
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8. Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno and Lugia

Yes, this is four Pokemon taking up one spot but I couldn't separate the three legendary birds under any circumstances and Lugia goes right along with them. After Mewtwo and Mew, the three legendary birds are the only legendary Pokemon left from Kanto, and as Mega Construx has shown for the past two years: Kanto is their focus. I wouldn't be surprised to see a three pack of this trio, or individual releases over time, but I would be surprised not to see them at all in the near future. Lugia is also one of the most popular legendary Pokemon and if they were to go forward with another legendary outside of Kanto I could see this Pokemon being that set. It was featured in one of the first three movies ever made, and was a flagship Pokemon in the second generation of the franchise. Making all four of these Pokemon ready for sets.
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7. Greninja

This is one I didn't really think about until the trailer for Detective Pikachu came out; the movie releasing next year. It is entirely possible Mega Construx will wait until they cover the Kalos starter first evolutions first, but I could also see them jumping straight to Greninja. He is an extremely popular Pokemon, and at one point was the most popular Pokemon in Japan! That kind of popularity cannot go unnoticed, and it looks like his species will play a prominant role in the upcoming movie. While I'm not sure if Mega Construx will have any sets pertaining to the movie in any way, I could see a Greninja set releasing regardless.
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6. Arcanine

It's hard to find anyone who dislikes this Pokemon, so that should speak to its popularity. It's powerful, beautiful, and rumors have gone around that it was at one point meant to be a legendary Pokemon. All of the pieces are in place for this to be a successful set, and not only that but a great one when the Pokemon's popularity, Generation 1 origin, size, and pleasing color scheme is taken into account. Growlithe has already popped up in the line as one of the Pokemon used to sell the volcano rivals set, so Mega Construx has to have some clue about this evolution line's popularity.
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5. The Kanto non-evolvers

There are a few select Pokemon from the originals game that were so popular that they continued to get evolutions in later games because they never had them to start with. This includes several Pokemon from the end of the original Pokedex, numbers 122 to 128, namely Mr. Mime, Scyther, Jynx, Electabuzz, Magmar, Pinsir, and Tauros. Some of these are more popular than others, but as a whole they are a beloved group of Pokemon that don't have much in common besides originally having no evolutions, being at the end of the Pokedex, and being hard to find in the game. Mr. Mime looks to have a role in the upcoming Pokemon movie, Scyther is easily one of the coolest Kanto Pokemon as well as one of the fastest Pokemon of all time, Electabuzz and Magmar have both received entire three tier evolution processes at this point, and Pinsir received a mega-evolution in the X and Y games. This is a group of popular Pokemon who wouldn't require very large sets, meaning they'd be more affordable, and easier to get into the hands of the fans.
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4. Alakazam

This will be the last time I mention how Kanto is the focus of the line, I swear. Alakazam is an amazing Pokemon in all senses of the term. It has a great design, a very popular first evolution, a rocking mega-evolution, and is one of the most powerful Pokemon in the first game. If they were to choose any Pokemon next for a larger set I would be surprised if this one wasn't at least considered. It would not come out as a blocky set either, since the Pokemon's skinnier proportions would make it more akin to Mewtwo's build from that set. Alakazam's popularity can speak for itself, and the fact that Mega Construx started its first ever Pokeball series with the inclusion of Abra means that the company seems to know that this evolutionary line is one fans like; so bring on Alakazam.
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3. Raichu

With how much Pikachu is seen in the line as a whole, it was surprising that it took until wave 7 to get a Pichu build, and it is even more surprising that there is no Raichu even on the horizon. We've even gotten a Pikachu clone in Togedemaru before we got Pikachu's final evolution! With such a memorable place in the anime, and being connected to the most popular Pokemon of all time, I am certain that it will not be much longer until Raichu appears in the line somehow. With the release of Lets Go Pikachu I think it is even more probable, as there is a new product out that directly supports Pikachu's popularity, and probably his evolution line as a whole.
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2. Eevee evolution pack

This is another pack, just like Raichu, that I am shocked hasn't been produced yet. Eevee has popped up in the line a few times so far, and its evolutions are a beloved part of the franchise with fans eagerly wondering what typing will receive an Eevee version next. A three pack of Jolteon, Flareon, and Vaporeon would be the easier thing for them to do, but they could also go the way of including the rest of the evolutions as well. Espeon, Umbreon, Glacion, Leafeon, and Slyveon could all be added together to make an ultimate Eevee evolution set, and with one fell swoop Mega Construx could knock out the entire evolutionary line. With the recent release of Pokemon Lets Go Eevee, there would be no better time to release an Eevee-centric set.
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1. Something Detective Pikachu related

Whether it be a simple Pokeball release, a larger set that comes with another Pokemon and some terrain, or a jumbo sized set similar to the Jumbo Pikachu that got released this year, a movie centering around the mascot of the franchise can't go by without a piece of merchandise in every possible venue. This includes Mega Construx, who I am certain will bank in on the electric mouse's first live action appearance with a set of some kind. They could do as little as sticking a hat accessory on their Pikachu figure, similar to the Santa hat christmas Pokeball, but if they don't do even that I will be truly shocked.
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