Top 5 most wanted G.I. Joe Classified Night Force figures

The Night Force team from G.I. Joe is one of the latest to be getting a lot of focus from the Hasbro team in the 6 inch G.I. Joe Classified line of figures. The most recent reveals were that of Beachhead and Quick Kick in a two pack at toyfair, furthering this group which have had a great more covert color scheme and offered new versions of many characters such as Falcon who desperately needed a second shot. With Night Force currently hot in the line, these are the Night Force members I hope to see soon.

5. Grunt

Grunt is a fun dual purpose figure in the line with him also serving the purpose of army building as a generic soldier, and that purpose could be achieved again with this iteration of the character. The tank top and camo across the neck/face would make for a great army builder in the Night Force sub team, as well as give Grunt another release for fans. 

4. Duke

Duke has enjoyed quite a few releases at this point, and at the principal character in the Joe team there can never be too many renditions of this character out in the line. After the wonderful classic update we got in the Retro line last year I would love for his Night Force design to be the follow up. We got a hectic colored Tiger Force variation of Duke, and a more subdued, covert design would be a perfect contrast. 

3. Outback

Outback has been a lot of fan as a character in the line thanks to his t-shirts and the graphic designs printed on depending on what version of the character we're talking about. His Night Force design grants his t-shirt a more muted green color scheme with "survival" plastered across the front. It has been a minute since an Outback has been released, so a Night Force version would not be remiss for those that have missed out. 

2. Muskrat

A character not seen in the line thus far would be Muskrat, and it wouldn't be the first time we get a character as part of a sub team before debuting in the main line as with many of the early Tiger Force members. So getting Night Force Muskrat before a standard Muskrat is a possibility, and a great addition to the ranks. 

1. Nunchuck

While this does not top Nunchuck's standard design for me (one of my favorite figures in the line), I am still a big fan of the character's Night Force design. Gone are his green ninja garb and instead we see it replaced by a shirtless look stolen straight from Quick Kick's wardrobe, with black paint smeared across his chest and face. The ninja characters have always been some of the funnest in the line, and with Slice and Dice on the horizon I'd love for another Joe ninja to be released.


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