The Flash S04 EP21 Review

The Flash returned this week for its first of the final three episodes of the season, and while there was much to enjoy about it, this episode falls much flatter than many of the past ones. We see a more Caitlin-centric episode as she tackles her Killer Frost dilemma more head on, while Amunet Black and the Council of Wells make their reappearance for probably the final time in the season. Without further preview, lets look into a spoilerly discussion of the episode.

I would be the first to say that I am not much of a fan of Amunet Black. She rubs me the wrong way and her character just doesn't do it for me; her British accent was odd and it was equally weird seeing her use another accent tonight, along with the actor portraying her seemingly trying to make her mouth as wide as possible. Amunet Black seems to be like a walking cartoon character and not one that can exist in the real world, and while I know the Flash has done some unrealistic things, its uncommon that a character shows up that I think does not fit in their world. So having an entire episode devoted to her as the A-plot wasn't the best time for me, especially as it seems kind of mute in the end. The team deduce that Devoe will launch satellites into the sky in order to reset everyone's brains, and they need a projectile of some kind to shoot them down but can't use tech because Devoe can hack it. They go to Amunet because she can shoot metal with her power, but in the end she leaves and basically gives them a grenade, why not just use a regular grenade then? Grenades aren't technology, they're balls of gunpowder, I'm pretty sure most guns aren't computer based (besides larger ones of course), and if they're just going to use a "grenade" before Devoe can launch them, they might as well use any kind of projectile. Throw lightning, Cisco's vibe blasts, call in Supergirl or any other metahuman who can shoot some kind of blast. It feels like the writers needed ot come up with a reason or Amunet Black to be necessary, but it just didn't work. It turned out that Amunet Black can only use a certain supply of metal, which had something to do with her being a flight attendant during the particle accelerator explosion, and her metal was stolen by the man with a snake for an eye. Still don't understand what he is, and Amunet pretty much said the same thing. Team Flash convinced her to be a good person and to not kill him, and then they let Norvok run away and escape instead of cuffing him or something.

Caitlin's obsession with getting Killer Frost back became much more heated tonight as she actively got angry that nothing was working, and if you have read my other episode reviews, you know I am not too wild on this. Caitlin even says in the episode that she spent forever trying to get rid of Killer Frost, and just as she was getting comfortable with her she is taken away. She was only just starting to be okay with her, so there is no reason she should be so heartbroken about someone who is a literal murderer and who with she had minor interactions through a few sticky notes left around the lab. None of the rest of the team seem too broken up about Killer Frost being gone, and apparently they hung out with her during their down time. I still don't get Caitlin's obsession with bringing back her alter ego, but nonetheless we'll see her return and it'll be made out as an extremely important personal victory for Caitlin.

The secondary plot of the episode dealt with Harry being kicked off of the council of Wells because of his growing stupidity, and then being welcomed int the council of Harrisons that Cisco put together. It was fun seeing Tom Cavanagh playing different version of Harrison Wells back when they were real people like Harry, Eobard, and H.R., but every throwaway version just seems to be a cartoon character that realistically shouldn't work as real people in their world. In the end, it all lead to Harry being more in touch with her softer side, and figured out that the reason Devoe has not acted yet is because he no longer has his wife with him. It lead to a great joke about Harry being exhausted by his diagram of a happy face and a sad face equaling an indifferent face, and thinking it complex. Next week's promo has Devoe back on track again, so without a scene of Devoe being broken up by his wife leaving him in this episode, it seems that Harry's storyline here was just to explain why the team could spend an episode running around with Amunet Black while Devoe did nothing.

The final thing this episode gave us was Iris publishing an article telling the city everything about Devoe, which lead to the people of the city basically becoming a watching eye that will report where Devoe is at all times. While this is great for them keeping track of where he is, how often does he really go out in public? And will the police or FBI or government come to intervene now, or at the least question how Iris got all this information? It is great that for once they told the city what was going on and the danger they were in (unlike with Zoom and Savitar), but it also opens the question of if people will wonder how Iris knows this and if the army or world leaders will try to do anything about it. Time will tell if any of these questions will be answered.

Closing out this review, like I mentioned before it is very uncommon for an episode of Flash to be less than good, and this episode for me was very middling, unpleasantly cartoon-ish, and while there were instances of good moments I will have to admit that this is one episode I can't see myself revisiting anytime in the future. Next week puts us back on the path of Devoe's enlightenment though, as he goes after Fallout in the second to last episode of season 4.


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