The Flash S04 EP20 Review

"Therefore she is" is the twentieth episode of the Flash's season four run, and it is another heavy Thinker episode that delves more into the character's background, while the present day story sets up what exactly his plan for the "enlightenment" could be. While this happens we get drama with Cisco and Gypsy's relationship, while the ending provides an exciting stinger for what the future of the show may look like. Without further ado, spoilers ahead.

As mentioned, the brunt of the episode was about Devoe and his wife as the episode constantly gave us flashback sequences to their first few months together, from their first meeting, to their first date, and to when Marlize uncovered Devoe's future sinister plans which initially revolted her. It was sweet and tender seeing the two of them coming together and meeting for the first time, and while I did think it was a bit hammy seeing Devoe all down on his luck looking like a slob and spouting, "I'm nothing without you!" like a heartbroken teenager, I did understand how Marlize came around to siding with Clifford about technology being a thorn in the side of humanity. I have always been a fan of the flashback scenes that flesh out Devoe's backstory, as it adds more layers about what we know about the character, and it is a developmental tool that the writers never used with Thawn, Zoom, and Savitar that I wish they had. Devoe's plan also came to be known this episode, as he wishes to practically reboot the human consciousness to make them dumber and in effect make them forget their reliance on technology. There are a few problems with this I can see, the biggest thing being that there would probably be mass death and chaos if everyone were to forget how to use most things; however, I assume that Thinker means for humanity to effectively start over, and rebuild itself once again as if they were a new civilization. It's a crazy plan, but one that I can understand once I think about it more. The end of the episode also saw Thinker's wife leaving him, stealing his floating chair, and declaring that Clifford is nothing without her. It was a great moment along with her telling him that her husband was the first victim killed by the Thinker. I can only wonder where they will go from here, because I think Devoe needs her mechanical skills to build his machines, not sure though.

Gypsy was back this weekend to help out in the fight against Devoe, and this episode finally followed up on the plot point of Cisco leaving to take Breacher's job. It seems that he will be sticking around, but we may have seen the last of Gypsy, at least for a while. The two came to disagreements about how they felt about their relationship, and I personally side with Cisco, not much of a relationship if you only see each other every few weeks (maybe months) and don't want to be together more than that. So I hope Cisco finds someone more open to a relationship in the future. With their break up taking place on Earth 19 we got another look at the Accelerated Man, but it was more of a glance than anything else.

I nearly forgot about Caitlin putting herself in harm's way trying to get Killer Frost back. I don't feel quite right about this storyline, for one I don't understand how she still has her powers in her when Barry was completely sapped of his when Melting Point touched him. I also don't believe that Caitiln cares so much about Killer Frost, they each black out when the other is in control and the best communication they had was sticky notes they left around which had only started a few weeks before Devoe took Caitlin's powers, which doesn't seem like enough to form a large bond. So I don't buy the idea that Caitlin cares as much as she does about getting Killer Frost back, and that Killer Frost is still inside either after Thinker used Melting Point's powers.

Harry and Cecil also had a couple of moments in the episode, mostly figuring out what Thinker's plan was as Cecil used her mind reading powers to catch Harry's thoughts before they faded. It was good to get Cecil back on the show, it feels like forever since we last saw her. She was also present in the end when the mystery girl who has shown up four times now visited their baby shower and dropped off diapers (also got a Wally shout out in that scene). The girl seemed her usual gleeful self, but then bolted as soon as she saw Iris, so it leaves one to wonder what her connection to Iris may be? Iris now stands as the only member of Team Flash to not meet the mystery girl. That isn't where the girl's scene ended though, as she ran off with a burst of electricity revealing that she is a speedster just like Barry. Theories can run rampant now about who she is, but I think she is Barry and Iris' daughter from the future, which can be further backed up by the fact that she has two lightning color types, yellow and purple which is for Barry and Iris, respectively; and Cecil's baby has already been proven to not be a metahuman so that is out of the question. It could very well be not a baby from any of the characters on the show, but I would bet money that it is.

Only three more episodes left in the season! As long as I'm counting right, and by the looks of next week's trailer we will have a very Amunet Black-filled episode....yay? Her character has always been too cartoony for me so I don't know how I feel about another episode revolving around her, but we'll see what happens (my bet is that Devoe kills her).


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