Most unanticipated DCEU films
A while back, I posted a list of the DCEU movies that I was most excited for out of the projects that had been announced at that point. Several more movies have been announced by DCEU since that time, and while many of them are still ones that I'm interested in seeing, there's have been a few that have had me raise and eyebrow or all out declare that I wasn't interested. Many of these may not be happening anymore, and one is even rumored to be cancelled entirely. For now though, without any offical cancellation, all of these movies are still possibly coming in the future, and are the ones I'm least looking forward too. (Image Source) Harley Quinn and the Joker This one is the lowest on the list since I actually enjoyed Jared Leto's short preformance in the Suicide Squad movies, despite not having much interest in the portrayal of Harley Quinn. This is the movie on this list that is rumored to be cancelled, and while I did like Jared Leto as the Joker, this ...