Top 5 most likely Star Wars Black Series figures

With 2019 beginning and Hasbro's the Black Series chugging forward in full force it seemed like a good time to post the top five figures I think are most likely coming in the near future. Most of these are educated guesses and I tried to keep personal hopes out of this as much as possible, which leads to a few figures that reasonably should be expected in the coming year, or at least a reveal for a later year. Before Toyfair starts and gives us our newest reveals of the year, here are the figures I think are most likely in the line in no particular order.

Ep 8 Luke

With how hard Hasbro hit episode 8 with a full line of figures it is surprising that Luke didn't get a new action figure and instead got a figure that fans had been hoping to get with episode 7's release. Neither of the two outfits that he wore for the majority of the movie have been made which is a shame, but I don't think they've been forgotten. The Crait version of the Luke has recently been announced for the Vintage collection and TBS6 fans have been asking for the figure as well, showing there is interest in the buying market. The episode 7 version of Luke released when episode 8 came around, and I think that its highly possible that the episode 8 version will come out by the time episode 9 hits theaters. Hasbro has said that Disney didn't tell them about Crait Luke until after the movie was out, so I bet that they're hard at work now on either a figure of Crait or Ahch-to Luke.
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Rebels recently came to an end with a season four that I really enjoyed, and also recently we got the reveals of Ezra and Chopper for the Black Series who now join Kanan, Sabine, Hera, Ahsoka, and Thrawn...but no Zeb yet. Hasbro has told us that they haven't forgotten about him, and it seems that they are planning on finishing the show's team sooner rather than later so I would expect a figure of Zeb to join the rest of his plastic comrades by the end of 2019 or early 2020.
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Count Dooku
The recent focus of prequel characters has gotten no one more excited than myself, and while I am personally hoping to have a Dooku figure in the near future I think this is a likely figure without my bias. Several key characters from the prequels were revealed for release this year, and Dooku is arguably the most important prequel character still untouched by the line. If next year is really meant to celebrate the prequels then I will be shocked if Count Dooku doesn't finally make his way into the line, or at least has a reveal for a 2020 release date.
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The Mandalorian
"The Mandalorian" is a new tv show meant to air either at the end of this year or 2020, and to welcome a new media into the Star Wars universe there are usually always toys to accompany this. While the shows may only garner 3.75 inch figures at first, this live action style and more adult focused demographic leads me to believe that the central character may get a 6 inch figure for the release of the show. While not a certainty, and probably less likely than the others on this list, I still feel like the Mandalorian has a shot at getting into the line by the time his show airs.
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Phantom Menace Obi Wan
Out of all of these, I have a feeling that this is the figure Hasbro is most likely to show off soon. Next year is the anniversary of Phantom Menace, they're giving more focus to the prequels, and the three-way fight scene with Maul is seen as one of the best scenes in the whole prequel saga. We have Maul and Qui Gon, we just need a young Obi Wan who also happens to be one of fans' favorite parts of the prequels. All of the interest is there for this figure to come out and be a success, and the 20th anniversary of Phantom Menace seems to be the best place to finally complete the film's climatic lightsaber battle display.
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