Most unanticipated DCEU films

A while back, I posted a list of the DCEU movies that I was most excited for out of the projects that had been announced at that point. Several more movies have been announced by DCEU since that time, and while many of them are still ones that I'm interested in seeing, there's have been a few that have had me raise and eyebrow or all out declare that I wasn't interested. Many of these may not be happening anymore, and one is even rumored to be cancelled entirely. For now though, without any offical cancellation, all of these movies are still possibly coming in the future, and are the ones I'm least looking forward too.
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Harley Quinn and the Joker
This one is the lowest on the list since I actually enjoyed Jared Leto's short preformance in the Suicide Squad movies, despite not having much interest in the portrayal of Harley Quinn. This is the movie on this list that is rumored to be cancelled, and while I did like Jared Leto as the Joker, this movie is one that I don't think needs to exist at all. A VS movie between the two of them is something we'll already see traces of in the Birds of Prey movie, and frankly, there are much better projects that could be made rather than turning this universe further into a Harley Quinn and Joker focused DC universe.
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Black Adam
I could see the possibility in this movie. Maybe Black Adam is going for revenge on the Wizard for casting him out? But then again, why not make that the plot of Shazam! 2 with Black Adam the antagonist rather than giving him his own movie. It isn't necessary, and while I understand that the comics are making him more of an anti-hero, he is still a character that I think would work best as a Shazam! antagonist and he shouldn't be getting his own entire movie in the DCEU. To do that, he would have to be some kind of hero in the story, which would negate his status as a villain for the eventual Shazam! throwdown.
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Yes, this is one of the DCEU's and the DC comics' biggest heroes, and a constant staple of the Teen Titans and Justice League; however, I can't see a movie for him working as well as other heroes. The character, as prominent as he is, constantly plays the part of support in the stories he is in, with no major antagonists to speak of that he could go up against. Now, superhero movies have been able to work around this and even make minor villains blockbuster characters, but for Cyborg, a solo movie doesn't seem like the best bet for this character.
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This one was simply due to Will Smith's popularity after Suicide Squad came out. I don't think DC really thought about whether the character could carry a solo film, or if there was even a solo film story to tell for him; I think they just wanted to capitalize on the popularity of the characters from Suicide Squad film and announced this movie expecting fans to be excited to see the character again. This admittedly minor Batman villain surely does not need his own film any more than characters like Man-Bat or Clayface do, he belongs in either a Batman film's rogues gallery, or part of the Suicide Squad. Deadshot has no storyline needing to be told that would require him to have his own solo movie, and the complete lack of news about this film since its announcement leads me to believe that DC realized that as well.
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Harley Quinn solo movie
DC needs to slow down. We had Suicide Squad, now Birds of Prey, they also announced the Joker and Harley Quinn movie, Gotham City Sirens, and also this movie here. This is just billed as a solo Harley Quinn movie and this is something we definitely do not need. There are plenty of other deserving characters in DC that deserves a movie long before this character gets yet another spotlight in this film universe. While I highly enjoy Suicide Squad stories, I don't think villain movies particularly work without turning the characters into heroes. If Harley Quinn continues to be a focus as the DCEU is making her, she will become a hero, and any jump she makes back to villainy with the Joker, or the Suicide Squad film, or in an actual Batman movie will seem odd. I'm already tired of Harley Quinn being one of the most major DC characters in the whole film universe, and a solo movie revolving around her is one I would likely never watch.
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