Top 10 most wanted Mega Construx Pokemon Kalos First Evolutions

Mega Construx has pulled from a lot of the Pokemon regions for their Pokemon building set lines; however, there are still a couple of regions that have been left untouched thus far and that includes the Kalos region from the X and Y game generation. It wasn't a pair of games that I personally played, but plenty of the Pokemon designs and creative choices I like and will hopefully get around to playing the game in the future. I also hope that soon in the future Mega Construx will delve deeper into the region than just the leaked 'Electabuzz vs Greninja' set. Naturally, the pokeball sets seem the easiest entry point for the region's Pokemon into the line, so I'll be looking at my most wanted first evolutions from the Kalos region.
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10. Dedenne
Each new region seems to have their own 'clone' of the electric mouse, Pikachu, and for Kalos they got Dedenne. It is a cute little orange ball of a Pokemon that looks very close in relation to Raichu, with antenne-like whiskers that it uses to communicate with allies that are far off in the distance. In my opinion, every electric mouse Pokemon deserves a spot in this line and this one would look very well posed alongside the Raichu set as a sort of a sidekick.
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9. Espurr
This is a Pokemon that I've seen famed for its apparent creepiness. Those wide eyes that just stare into your soul and beyond, and the canon descriptions of the Pokemon see each one acting independently and remaining solitary in the wild; this honestly makes them sound creepier to me. I love cats though, and the numerous tufts of fur on the Pokemon are details I'd be interested to see in Mega Construx form.
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8. Skrelp
The best way for me to describe this Pokemon is a demented version of Horsea, and I absolutely love it. There is such a dark look to this Pokemon and the look of rotten seaweed that it emulates, which all works to give it personality and a wicked appearance when compared to other water type Pokemon! It also evolves into an even wilder looking secondary form while also becoming a dragon type, which all works to make this devilish looking Pokemon even cooler.
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7. Pancham
I really like the attitude of this Pokemon and the cool demeanor it tries to pull off by carrying around a leaf in its mouth. Its very similar to Treeko in that regard; however, Pancham doesn't pull off the 'cool guy' act as well and I love that if patted on the head this Pokemon can't help but start grinning! Pancham exudes so much personality, and the printed pieces on the Mega Construx sets would do a great job conveying it. If this Pokemon is also made before Treeko, it could give us an idea of how the leaf sticking out of the Pokemon's mouth may be done.
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6. Amaura
The fossil Pokemon continue to be some of my favorite Pokemon of the region, with Amaura being no exception. This is a really cool Pokemon with a great concept of auroras as its fins, which it also has the ability to conjure up in the sky. The Pokemon's massive eyes are another part that make this creature cute and would work well with Mega Constux's printed pieces, but the part I'm most eager to see are their fins as I mentioned before.
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5. Phantump
This region manages to have some of the most interesting ghost Pokemon in my opinion that feel especially Halloween in nature. Phantump takes the form of a possessed, ghostly rotten log which is a very common sight in horror imagery, and makes for a unique looking ghost type It also evolves into Trevenant who is a wild looking Pokemon and one of the scariest ghost types that I've seen, which all started with the Phantump Pokemon.
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4. Pumpkaboo
This Pokemon continues the Halloween-esque ghost type Pokemon of the Kalos region by being a literal pumpkin Pokemon. I love this Pokemon and its design, with a pair of fake eyes being carved on the pumpkin itself while the Pokemon's true eyes and mouth sit upon the mass of black covering the pumpkin! Its evolution of Gourgeist is another very Halloween Pokemon, marking yet another reason that the Kalos ghost Pokemon are among my favorite.
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3. Klefki
This was a Pokemon that I, like a lot of people, wrote off as a lazy design and not good enough to be a Pokemon. That was before I learned more about the Pokemon though. I leanred that those keys around its neck aren't part of the Pokemon, but rather keys that it stole from people that it uses to later break into their homes and rob them. That is...terrifying. This Pokemon instantly shot to one of the most notable in my books, and I definitely want Mega Construx to get on this one asap.
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2. Noibat
I love bats in real life, so when it comes to bat Pokemon I have a soft spot and that goes for Zubat as well. Noibat is a truly great Pokemon though with a lot of really fun gimmicks about it, most of all is their speaker ears which are reminiscent of the Loudred species from Hoenn. The color pallet on this Pokemon is well done as well, and when it evolves into Noivern it becomes one of the strongest Pokemon of the region as well as a standout dragon type.
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1. Fennekin
Out of the three starter Pokemon for this generation, Fennekin is the one that I find the most interesting. It is a very cute fox looking Pokemon with a big head and tufts of ear protruding from its ears. It also helps that the whole evolution line is one that I really like with this Pokemon, with a witch-esque vibe coming from them, and an earthy feel that makes it seem like a more communal Pokemon with nature. As with all starter Pokemon though, this one is mostly a given as it will inevitably be done in a two pack as the previous starter sets have; however, that works for me, as one way I another I'll be getting a Fennekin.
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