The Flash S05 EP13 spoiler review

(Cicada was doing his best it seemed to be as creepy as possible in this scene)

The latest episode of Flash aired last night to give us an entertaining hour that didn't propel the story ahead too far, but was fun nonetheless. Three different storylines were going on at the same time, each with varying degrees of intensity, but all three with their own purposes. So without any more intro, here is my review of, "Goldfaced."
(Image Source)

One of the storylines of the episode that also happened to be the silliest revolved around Nora trying to throw Sherloque off her trail after he had all but deduced that she was working with Reverse-Flash. While the storyline was mostly played for laughs, it gave us several fun interactions between the pair, while also building onto Sherloque's character. Seeing Nora spy on him from inside a wall was a fun new trick for speedsters to employ, and her getting Thawne's help in conjuring up a plan to distract Sherloque was another fun point. It all came down to the ultimate weakness of all Harrison Wells: love. It turned out though that the woman that Nora set him up with (that Sherloque scared away by being super creepy and very thoroughly guessing small details about her life) was another alternate version of the same woman that he marries in every universe. This realization came when Nora called a council of Sherloque's ex-wifes to aid him in swooning the new girl, though they only agreed because they wanted their overdue alimony payment and apparently have employed Breacher to come for him should he miss the deadline. I thought Breacher had gone into retirement but I guess not. The council of his ex-wifes was a very fun addition to the episode, and the fact that it was the same woman across several universes. Nora eventually got Sherloque to try and meet the girl once again, proving he wasn't a stalker, and seemingly setting up his character to finally find love and not another failed relationship like his seven divorces. The big shock came at the end though when the girl turned out to be a metahuman, prompting Sherloque to focus on protecting her from Cicada, rather than investigating Nora. Again, for the most part this storyline was meant as a silly side story; however, it was an entertaining one that helped flesh out Sherloque's hopelessness when it comes to love.

A smaller but much more rigid storyline involved Iris setting off to investigate Cicada much the same way she had Devoe in season 4. An interview with Orlin's prior boss informed her about his cousin's home which she found herself, only for Cicada to return home while she was still inside. Through quick thinking, Iris managed to make it seem as though she was coming into the house rather than trying to step out of it, on the guise that she was looking for "Robby" (Cicada's cousin) who was the real owner of the house for an interview about lead in the river. After very creepily shutting the door behind her and locking it, Dwyer claimed to be Robby and agreed to sit down for an interview. All seemed to be going well, Iris' fake story was playing out, and ultimately she finished her fake interview and made to leave. On her way out she grabbed her hand bag that had been on the other side of the room when Dwyer got home so she couldn't grab it, and the serial killer instantly recognized that she didn't have the bag when she came in, cluing him in that she had been there before he got home. A short but brutal fight played out where Iris managed to escape Cicada's dagger and even stab him in his chest wound, staggering him for long enough that she could escape. Afterwards, she informed the team about Dwyer's hideout; however, by the time they rushed to apprehend him the killer was already long gone and likely not coming back. This will no doubt cause Cicada to become more drastic, no longer having his hideout, so possibly Team Flash have only made things worse by further cornering the villain.

The final and main storyline of the episode involved Barry and Ralph going undercover as a couple of sleazy scumballs in order to gain access to a weapons market where a specific piece of tech was supposed to be. They needed this piece of tech to further complete the metahuman cure, and it was in the hands of a weapons dealer named Goldface. While this storyline didn't end with any kind of major progression, it was a very fun time that also helped highlight that Barry is a hero, while also giving Ralph the spotlight after being in the background of several episodes. Barry's righteous need to do good clued in Goldface that the two may not be as scummy as they say; however, quick improvisation on Barry's part in which he claimed to be a major villain called, "The Chemist," bailed them out but also put them on Goldface's newest heist to rob a hospital of a advanced new piece of tech. I also have to mentioned that both Barry and Ralph had their powers nulled for the whole episode, so the action played out a big different than usual, but it was still just as fast and fun as usual. Ralph of course restricted Barry from going through with the crime, residing to do it himself since he use to be scum anyways; however, Ralph's goodness shined through and he and Barry together, without powers, and armed with stun guns, went on a high energy shoot out in which they eliminated all of Goldface's goons. The funniest part of the sequence I would have to say was the start of it when Ralph was being choked out and Barry threw a brick on his request at the goons head, knocking him out, though when Ralph emphasized that he meant for Barry to toss him the brick, Barry innocently claimed that that was what he was trying to do, haha. After the shootout, Goldface himself turned up and got ready to kill the two with an old fashioned fist fight, only to be shot a few dozen times by the duo's stung guns. Goldface turned out to be a gold plated metahuman though, and proceeded to beat the de-powered duo with his strength and his whip-like gold chain, until Barry tricked the villain into electrocuting himself and knocking himself unconscious. The whole ordeal may not have turned out as they wanted, but it was a fun storyline, giving us a very scary and standout villain in Goldface who I hope returns after being thrown in prison, and allowing Ralph to step forward like I mentioned earlier. The main take away from the episode seems to be the conclusion of Iris' storyline, in which they discovered Cicada's hideout, which as I mentioned before, will probably only make the villain even more dangerous as he has nowhere to fall back on now.


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