Top 5 most wanted silver Power Rangers in Hasbro's Lightning Collection vol 2

Silver rangers are more rare when it comes to Power Rangers media; however, Hasbro has been capitalizing on them in their Lightning Collection line which I know many fans have been supporting! From my previous list of most wanted Silver rangers we now have the tricky Silver Psycho ranger, the In Space silver ranger to finish out the In Space team, and now the Wild Force Silver ranger to start the Wild Force team! Many of the upcoming Silver rangers on this list would mark new teams for the line to delve into, which I'd all about as I'd love each and every one of these figures in my new top 5!

5. Dino Charge
Zenowing was a later addition to the team in Dino Super Charge but a character I really enjoyed nonetheless, especially so that he wasn't a human and non-human Power Rangers are very few and far between! This figure could easily reuse the body mold the Dino Charge rangers have been utilizing so far, and I would die for an unhelmeted Zenowing portrait. 

4. SPD
Seen very briefly during the final episode of the SPD series, Nova was Omega's partner from the future who travelled back to help during the big climax. She had a cool uniform, and while she didn't get long to make an impression of the show I still think she would be a fun addition to the line especially when paired up with the Omega ranger figure we already have! As a bonus, they could even include with her the unmasked Omega head we missed out on with his release.

3. Lightspeed Rescue
The Titanium Ranger factored into the show in a big way when it was revealed that it was Dana's long lost brother, trained by the villains, who struggled with returning to the good side. It was an awesome arc that I enjoyed watching play out and provide some heavy drama for the characters and relationships, with the flashback depicting his loss during a car accident being one of my favorite moments in Power Rangers' franchise. Getting him would also mark the inclusion of Lightspeed Rescue in the line, which I can't wait for!

2. Beast Morphers
Beast Morphers dropped off the Lightning Collection a while ago but I'm hoping that after all this time Hasbro will still come around to finish off the season's awesome team line up! We're still missing Steel who turned out to be the funniest character in the series and one who also got a lot of dramatic development, especially concerning his being a robot. A fan favorite, Steel deserves a figure to go along with Nate and the others who we have already!

1. RPM
This season is hailed by fans as one of the best from the entire franchise, with its dour, more serious and bleak tone hitting the right spot for many viewers. I am one of them that absolutely loved this iteration of the Power Rangers brand and can't wait for it to become part of the Lightning Collection in time! While Gem and Gemma did more to elevate the tone of the show rather than maintain the seriousness, I still enjoyed them quite a bit and while I think they would be perfect for a two pack release, I'd also hunt them down in single releases if need be!

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