Remaining Tamashii Nations Naruto S.H.Figuarts to be updated from their first line


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When S.H.Figuarts revived their Naruto line they brought it back in full force! Their figures are better than ever, sporting articulation, accessory count, and overall aesthetic that's borderline perfect for most cases! During the course of the revived line, and especially with the reveal of the next three upcoming figures the line has updated a lot of the designs and characters first put out in the first line of S.H.Figuarts that Tamashii Nations ran for the iconic series. Seen above are the original figures that Tamashii Nations put out for Itachi and Kakashi on the left, compared to their newest releases on the right, with the advancements clearly noticeable in these cases. Shippuden versions of Naruto and Sasuke have been reinvigorated by the new line, as well as a brand new Kakashi, and most recently we've gotten reveals for a new Minato, new Itachi, and new Sage Mode Naruto! Tamashii has nearly updated all of the characters and designs from their first line of Naruto figures in their new revived Naruto line, and in this list I will be covering those figures still left to receive updates from the past!

Jiraiya and Madara?

I'm putting these two at the top of the list with pictures of their updated releases because I honestly don't know that these two figures need to be redone. Both were made towards the end of the life of the original line and are pretty good figures in their own right, and the rereleases that came out this year for Jiraiya and last year for Madara both update the face printing to match the show better. So while their are certainly tweaks that could be made to the sculpts, I overall think that these are two that should they never be officially updated beyond the exclusive rereleases we got then what we have works well!


Another figure near the end of the life of the first line was Boruto, and another whose figures is actually pretty good overall. The only thing is that I don't have as much of a connection to Boruto to really want an updated figure of him right now, or to think it is truly necessary, similar to the Jiraiya and Madara points. If they were to give us another Boruto I would prefer it to be more of his current looks in the series, making this another figure that I think just doesn't necessitate an immediate remake at this time. 

Shippuden Sasuke

Getting into the figures that I truly would welcome updates of, we have the Shippuden Sasuke from earlier on in the series. Just like a lot of those early S.H.Figuarts Naruto figures something just does not sit right when it comes to the facial printing. It is something I think the current lines nails extremely well, and we already know from the current revived line's Sasuke figure that they can make a bombdiggity Shippuden Sasuke. We've gotten Sasuke in his outfit from later in the series, and so his look from this figure's period of the show is one I'd welcome a remake of. 


I absolutely love the character of Gaara and I have to say that the giant sand hand of the original release is an epic accessory! Unfortunately, I can't say much else for it beyond the design of the figure hindering articulation, and again, the facial printing seeming to just be slightly off in terms of the likeness. As one of the most iconic and fan beloved characters from the series we deserve an updated version of Gaara, perhaps one that forgoes such a big accessory (as cool as it is) to focus on nailing the main figure itself, and utilizing smaller accessories to replicate his powers. 

Rock Lee

Another insane fan favorite that I cannot wait to see in the line again one day. Rock Lee and the power of youth is actually another figure from the first line I don't mind. Articulation is good for such a dynamic characters, he comes with lots of cool accessories and alternate face plates, but I would still just love a clean slate redo of the character to give him all the modern day technological updating that others like Itachi, Minato, and Kakashi have gotten! 


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