Most anticipated upcoming DC films

The DC movie universe...what can be said about it? It has hard a rough start, it hasn't gotten the best track record so far, and they've announced more movies than Marvel has even released. Could DC be jumping the gun a bit by announcing so many movies over the past few years, some of which seemingly moving nowhere in development, with another movie being announced in just the last few months (Supergirl)? Possibly, and there's a strong possibility that several of the projects will end up never coming to fruition, but the sheer amount of projects can give us a look at what may be coming in the future, and while I'm excited for any DC projects, there are a few that have be personally very excited.

Man of Steel 2

I love Man of Steel, it wasn't decisive for me, and didn't tarnish the image of the big boy in blue like many people claim the darker version does. It was a movie I thoroughly enjoyed, and made me love Superman, Zod, and all of his mythos; it is what got me interested in Superman in the first place. Then the years dragged on and there was no Man of Steel 2 in sight, instead we got Batman V Superman, then Justice League, with only vague hints and promises of Man of Steel 2's development. Well, I'm still waiting, very anxiously, for Superman's next big solo adventure. I want Brainiac, or Parasite, or Bizarro; I want another Superman movie where he is the star, and not just a supporting character in another movie.
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I also love Batman, he has one of the most expansive rogue galleries in all of comic history, but he also has Nightwing. He's charismatic, he's funny, he doesn't brood, and he fights all of Batman's villains too. He's a sidekick, yes, but I know for sure he can carry his own movie, and it would be a very fun ride no doubt. There's also the fact that any of Batman's villains could show up or star as the film's villain, making the possibilities for this movie endless. Batman movies have always been clouded in a haze of grimness (barring his cartoonish days), so a lighter story in the Batman mythos would be something new, fresh, and fun.
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Green Lantern Corps

I love every DC hero, and while Green Lantern's last big screen wasn't the greatest, the mythos of the Corps is still ripe for big screen adaptation and can be truly something great. I felt it was a good move when DC announced that the movie would not focus solely on Hal Jordan but would feature several members of the Corps, differentiating it from the first movie and introducing us to more of the comics. No word yet on the villain, hoping they'll hold off on Sinestro for now, but whoever they choose I'll be excited to see the Green Lantern Corps go up against them, with glorious green CGI creations bursting forward.
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Suicide Squad 2

I did NOT love the first Suicide Squad movie; however, I love the concept and the animated movies that have been released about the team. The idea of a group of characters in which any of them could potentially die directly challenges today's franchises where it seems that every hero is safe from death in order to make a sequel. Making it a group of villains only make it more interesting, and while I think the first movie is better off forgotten, the filmmakers have acknowledged this and promised to take their time in the second. I want a team of expendable villains to get to know and then watch die, as morbid as that sounds, and I hope to see some new faces like Suicide Squad comic regulars like King Shark and Bronze Tiger...essentially truly expendable characters.
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New Gods

A bit of an oddball, and a definite oddity on the part of DC's movie announcements, New Gods is one that I fear is obscure enough to be forgotten and not happen, but I want it to happen. I want it on the basis that Apokolips would likely feature in it, and that means the presence of Darkseid, Granny Goodness, Desaad, and if it were to be a prequel set before the current movies we could get more time with Steppenwolf to develop his character. It would be a cosmic, off world movie that'd be truly different from the other movies in the franchise, with the possibility of featuring some of DC's most notable villains.
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The Flash

After Superman, I have to say that my favorite superhero is the Flash. We know we're getting one, but its been pushed back several times and it seems like no one really knows whats happening with it anymore, but after a few years of watching the CW's version of the Flash I'm eager for a big screen solo outing. Watching Barry zoom through super speed is always a delight, but I may be even more excited for whoever they choose to make the antagonist of the film. Give me Reverse Flash, Grodd, the Rogues like Weather Wizard and Trickster, Flash's rogues gallery is as colorful as Batman's, and I want to see them represented in a movie just as much as the Flash himself.
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