Top 5 wanted Mega Construx fire type Pokemon Pokeball sets

Throughout Mega Construx's license with the Pokemon brand, smaller sets composed of a typically first evolution Pokemon inside of a pokeball have been abundant and seemingly the main push for the line. Seven series have already released with many more surely on the way, so I decided to turn my focus towards these pokeball sets for the time being. What smaller, first evolution Pokemon do I want to show up most? Since there are so many to choose from, I'm narrowing it down to types, and this time I'll be thinking about the fire type pokeball set Pokemon I want to see made next.

5. Fennekin
Hailing from the Kalos region, I've never actually played the game or owned this Pokemon, rather, I find it very cute and I dig its evolution line enough that I hope the Kalos starters get released soon. Getting Fennekin would be the first step towards the whole evolutionary line, and on its own it is a very cute starter Pokemon with a big head, sharp eyes, and tufts of hair in its ears.
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4. Magby
Next up I'm hoping for Magmar's preevolution Magby. I'm a big fan of the Kanto non evolving Pokemon like Magmar and Electabuzz, so when they eventually did get other forms I was stoked and sought them out which similarly is happening for the Mega Construx line as well. Even though we haven't received the original forms of these Pokemon, I'll welcome whatever evolutions come out and Magby is one I just find appealing in design. It's got a nice shade of red, and the bulbs on its head would be an interesting approach for Mega Construx to work out.
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3. Darumaka
During my run through of the Unova region I ended up with a Darumaka on my team which eventually evolved into a Darmanitan and became a powerhouse on my team, no other Pokemon stood in my way while I had him. It all started with a Darumaka who is very cute in its own sense, with a round body, happy smile, and massive eyebrows that I wonder will translate into the buildable figure or not. Given the Pokemon's shape, I wouldn't be surprised if it was built the same as other round Pokemon like Marill and Togedemaru, but that structure works well and would work just as well for this Pokemon.
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2. Vulpix
I have talked previously about this Pokemon and how adorable I think it is. The Pokemon seems to exhume beauty and cuteness, which only multiplies when it evolves, but Ninetales cannot fit into a Pokeball set so I will happily settle for its red preevolution. Just look at those eyes, and the curls on the top of its head could not be cuter. Like I've mentioned before, the several tails of this creature would be a fun concept for Mega Construx to tackle and hopefully handle well; however, we won't know until we see it happen.
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1. Torchic
Hoenn happens to be my favorite region and because of that the starter Pokemon from those games are among my favorite Pokemon ever, with all three in my opinion being top line designs. The fire type of the group Torchic, is as cute as Pokemon come with its over sized round head, deep eyes, and baby chicken appearance. When it evolves it becomes much more fiercer, learning to fight and use its fire for devastating effects. Similarly, Mega Construx would devastate me by not making this popular Pokemon as it has the starter Pokemon for a few other generations. Fingers crossed that like all the others on this list, Torchic gets a buildable figure one day too.
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