Top 5 wanted Mega Construx water type Pokemon Pokeball sets

I'm going to keep the momentum going on my most wanted Pokeball sets of each type from Mega Construx's Pokemon building line. This time I'll be looking into the water type Pokemon that I want most across every generation that could fit inside the piece count that the Pokeball sets usually cater to. Wailmer would have been an easy number 1 spot for this list given how its evolutionary line is one of my most favorite; however, Wailmer is a very large Pokemon and I don't think he would fit inside a Pokeball set. One more thing I wanted to mention: when I did this kind of list for fire type Pokemon I included starter Pokemon like Fennekin and Torchic when I shouldn't have, those Pokemon will surely be done in battle sets like all the past starters have so hoping for them to show up in the Pokeball line is meaningless. So here it is, my most wanted water type Pokemon for the Pokeball sets!
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5. Horsea
This is just a very cute Pokemon and one that perfectly illustrates the water type with its form of a seahorse with a really pleasant blue color and evolution that become much fiercer and intimidating. Seahorses happen to be one of my favorite aquatic creatures as well so it gets a plus in that regard, with the nozzle on its face and the swirls of its tails being points that I'm interested seeing Mega Construx accomplish.
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4. Lotad
I couldn't get away with making this list without including at least one Pokemon from the region with the most water: Hoenn. While I love mostly all of the Pokemon from that region, a lot of them lost out narrowly to the ones of this list except for Lotad. I've always loved this Pokemon's evolution line and the lily pad on their heads. Lotad is easily the cutest of the bunch, being a squat six legged creature with a yellow bill and the signature lily pad on its back. It's a Pokemon I'm hoping to see soon, if only to make me think that its evolutions are on Mega Construx's radar as well.
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3. Psyduck
This one wins out for its major role in the anime and how often it was used for comical appeal, but whenever its headache got worse and its psychic powers were unlocked I always knew that things were about to get real. Its design as well is one I like with it emulating rubber ducks of the real world, and whenever a Pokemon is as plump and round as this one I can't help but feel drawn to it. A lot of qualities about this Pokemon put it on my list, and with it being both a Kanto Pokemon and a big character in the anime I'm hoping it'll be out soon.
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2. Omanyte/Kabuto
Both of these have been included on my lists before so I couldn't avoid putting them here as well. I love fossil Pokemon and these were the two original fossil Pokemon that we ever got, with both of them being very unique and taking cues from real life ancient creatures. Kabuto is cute and creepy at the same time, while Omanyte's shell and tentacles are design choices I'm wondering how Mega Construx will handle. While I would prefer for these two to be done in evolution sets with their larger evolutions, similar to the Munchlax/Snorlax set, I will settle for them as individual Pokeball sets.
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1. Spheal
What can I say, one Pokemon from Hoenn wasn't enough for this list. This Pokemon is among the cutest I've ever seen and evolves into one of the most powerful that I have ever used in my Pokemon quests. It's tiny appendages are adorable, the tusks and happy eyes are super cute, and just as I've said before, I cannot resist a plump, round Pokemon. I imagine that their recent Poliwag build would be repeated here where it works, but that is okay with me because it'll still deliver the rounded, adorable form of this water type Pokemon.
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