Most wanted Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Black Series figures

Finishing out my lists of what Black Series figures I'd like to see from each of the prequel films, I'll now be looking into Revenge of the Sith which was the third and final film in the prequel saga. This was the film where the Republic fell, Anakin turned to the dark side, and the galaxy was set on a path that lead to the original trilogy. So many major moments occurred and the toyline has only just scratched the surface of the figures they could make. Grievous is coming after a long wait, but what other characters from the film are still waiting for figures, and which ones do I want most?
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Mustafar Padme/Pearl nightgown
When it comes to Padme's outfits in the third film I found that not so many were as stand out to me as in the first two movies, not to say they aren't all beautiful, just that the first two movies for me offered more exciting looks. This helps me to better appreciate the outfits that did stand out to me from her appearance in the third film, starting off with the outfit she wore when she confronted Anakin on Mustafar. It is a major scene in the film and I would argue that the outfit she wears in this scene is her most iconic outfit from this movie, with the subdued colors, straps, and the pregnant look which would be unique for the Black Series. A second outfit from the movie I liked a lot was her nightgown that was adjourned by pearls, which fans have poked fun at for being non-functional but I think it looks nice and was a part of the "blinded by love," scene in which I feel that the love between Anakin and Padme was very palpable and intimate, like two real people in love. Both of these outfits have had entries in the 3.75 inch line previously, so they now just have to make the jump to 6 inch.
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Magna Guard
We're finally getting a Grievous figure and already I know that I'll need two of his droid bodyguards to stand alongside him. The Magnaguard's were a new type of droid seen in the movie that wielded electro staffs and were shrouded in grungy robes, not to mention capable of holding their own against Jedi as well as fighting long after their heads had been cut off. They were cool new additions to the Star Wars universe and if you've read my earlier posts about this line then you know that more droids is always a good thing.
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Mas Amedda
This is a character that I've been getting more into recently as I've come to appreciate the Senate and governmental scenes in the prequels more and more. Palpatine's subtle rise to power was very interesting to see and this guy was there since the beginning, acting as adviser for Chancellor Valorum before becoming Palpatine's adviser in the second two films. I can't help but be sure that Mas Amedda advised Valorum in a few wrong choices that ultimately lead to Palpatine taking over, and he seemed completely knowledgeable about the Sith's background yet continued to support him. A very interesting character in deed who I wished we had seen more of, and just like droids, aliens are always a welcome edition to the Black Series.
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Deformed Palpatine
While Palpatine spent the first two films orchestrating events from the background and meticulously planning out every step of the next decade, the third film is where he stepped into the action scenes a bit more and became the hideous Sith lord fans remembered from the original films. The scene in which Mace Windu arrives to arrest Palpatine is still one of my favorites from the film as the Emperor displays his egregious power, ultimately kills Windu, and then later takes on Yoda in a one on one fight that the evil Force wielder wins out. Revenge of the Sith was the film in which I felt Palpatine was the most evil, powerful, and fighting to win, and a figure of his deformed status in the third act of the film would be the perfect figure for Palpatine to return to the line in.
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Jedi Council members
I could have included Jedi in every post I made about my most wanted figures from each prequel film; however, I decided to wait until I got to Revenge of the Sith and bunch them all up into one slot. I want every Jedi on the council, each one of them, from Ki Adi Mundi, to Luminara, to Shaak Ti, to Kit Fisto. They're all aliens, they all have lightsabers, and the line is lacking in Jedi just as much as it is droids and aliens. There are so many great characters and designs that were introduced through the Jedi council and I want figures for all of them, so hopefully Hasbro pulls through on their promise of more prequel films and mines these films for the great action figures they could produce.
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