Top 5 most wanted Jokers in Mcfarlane's DC Multiverse line vol 2

Joker stands as one of the most popular and well known comic book villains of all time! He has headlined his own comic series multiple times, and appeared more times than can be counted with numerous famous storylines involving him in some capacity! Mcfarlane has done a very good job so far as well with incorporating this mad clown in their line of DC action figures with several versions captured in plastic form so form, ranging from his Mortal Kombat design to a couple comic book looks! With so many fantastic designs out there I'm reworking my previous list of most wanted Joker figures in the line to accumulate a new top 5 ranking!

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5. Batman Ninja
Holding over from the previous version of the list is the Batman Ninja version of the character which I actually really enjoyed, the movie as well! The animation was starkly different from what we're used to with the Batman property, but it only helped elevate the zany fun of the movie and the Joker's design is something we were so close to getting in a mass market toyline from Mattel before it was cancelled! I hope Mcfarlane eventually gives us one though from this very unique animated film.

4. Three Jokers
This storyline was one of the best to come out recently in my opinion, and I would love all three of the titular Jokers in action figure form! The comedian, the clown, and the criminal were all so creepy and compelling with the differences laid out between them, and the criminal in particular had a design I really loved!

3. Dark Knight Returns
The toyline has dipped its town into the Dark Knight Returns toyline with the release of the Armored Batman, but I'm left wanting more and a line up like what Mattel gave us would be fantastic to see from Mcfarlane when it comes to this amazing comic book! The Joker is one of the most memorable arcs of that original series, with the plain white suit a big contrast from his usual colors.

2. "The Dark Knight" and "Joker"

We did get a live action version of the Joker from Mcfarlane this year being the 1966 rendition, but my two big picks for live action versions of the Joker haven't been touched yet. I would absolutely love to see Mcfarlane give us an updated action figure for Heath Ledger's acclaimed performance as the villain! Mattel even understood the love for the character and produced him in their Signature series! Arthur Fleck from the 2019 Joker movie is another one that I think Mcfarlane would knock out of the park.

1. The New 52
Without a doubt, when really thinking about it, the New 52's telling of the Joker ranks as my favorite version of the Joker! I love how distinctly creepy, scary, and unsettling the New 52 Batman series managed to make the character! I appreciated as well as sparsely he was used throughout the run which made his eventual appearances have much more gravity and intensity. I think Mcfarlane could take this design for the Joker in whichever costume he wants and really knock it out of the park in terms of sculpting ability, especially when it comes to that horrid portrait!


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