Top 5 most wanted McFarlane DC Multiverse comic book villain figures vol 3

Villains are no doubt some of the coolest characters from comic books and Mcfarlane has been doing a really good job recently of giving us a lot of very awesome villains, many of which are some of the most iconic villains from DC history! From my previous list talking about my most wanted comic book villains we've now gotten Reverse Flash, Superboy Prime, and Lex Luthor! All of which look great, and I'm now thinking about my top 5 five most wanted comic book villains from Mcfarlane and this is what I came up with!

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5. Darkseid
There are lots of great versions of Darkseid from the comics to choose from when it comes to giving one of the biggest DC villains a figure. The New 52 era designs would be my preferred choice for the character; however, his recent return in the Infinite Frontier mini series would be a very cool look to adapt as well in figure form as it hasn't been done yet.

4. Doomsday
Mcfarlane's Devastator was a good indicator of how awesome an actual Doomsday figure would be and I'm really excited to hopefully one day get one of Superman's greatest villains from Mcfarlane! With the mega figure scale now a thing, Doomsday could receive a huge, perfectly sculpted figure that would put all prior versions to shame!

3. New 52 Joker
We've gotten a comic based Joker already; however, the version that I really want Mcfarlane to do is the New 52 rendition of the character! I found this interpretation to be truly scary and unnerving, with his sparse appearances in the Batman comic run very powerful in making the character a haunting threat! Whether we get a New 52 Joker based on the incredible "Death of the Family" or the gripping "Endgame" I'd be happy to add my favorite Joker to the Mcfarlane toy line.

2. General Zod
While a live action version is what I'm really waiting on for this character, the comic version has no doubt made a big impression especially when it comes to the Rebirth era of DC comics! I adored the Revenge storyline in Action Comics, and the later future storyline that saw Zod conquer Earth in Superman's absence! His black and red armor looks fantastic as well, and would make a great action figure for Mcfarlane to tackle.

1. The Rogues
Flash villains have enjoyed a good bit of representation with both Grodd and Reverse Flash being produced; however, The Rogues haven't been touched yet! They're one of the most iconic villain groups from DC comics, and their colorful roster of members all fan favorites. Captain Cold is the most prominent member, though of course I'd love to get all members of the group from Heatwave to Trickster to Golden Glider!


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