Top 5 most wanted Jakks Pacific Sonic The Hedgehog 2.5 inch figures

A lot of the 2.5 inch Sonic line from Jakks Pacific has been smaller versions of characters we've gotten from the 4 inch line; however, they've also produced several figures in this scale that go along with the 4 inch figures like Chao and multiple Badniks which I've really enjoyed! When it comes to the classic versions of characters I think the 2.5 inch line works better for them as well, and I'm very happy to see it pumping along as heartily as its larger scale counterpart. These are my most wanted 2.5 inch Sonic figures from Jakks Pacific!

5. Ray the flying squirrel

A character who had appeared on my most wanted 4 inch list, Ray meets the same checks here as he does for me wanting him in the 4 inch line. We have both Sonic and Mighty themselves in the 2.5 inch line meaning a 2.5 inch line would complete our trio from SegaSonic, and having them all in this smaller scale would also better fit the aesthetic of their game appearances from that arcade game and Sonic Mania Plus!

4. More Chao
The Chao are freaking adorable and I love that they opened the 2.5 inch line with a Chao figure. Since then we've gotten a golden Chao, but I want more, and with the Sonic Adventure games literally having tons and tons of different Chao types and variations the door is open for Jakks to go wild with these adorable series mascots. The black market Chao would be extra adorable!

3. Batbrain

Getting into some of the Badniks I'd like to see next, I want to reiterate again that I really love the line going in on these robotic baddies to pose alongside the figures! The Batbrains are another biggie from the original game to be produced for the line, being a staple of the Marble Zone in the original game and reappearing throughout the franchise.

2. Newtron

With this Badnik we would have everything we need to complete a Green Hills Zone set up! We've got the Crabmeat, Chopper, and others from this area we're only missing the chameleon-like Newtrons at this point! A hinge articulation point is a must as well to move it from its perched position to the flying mode it utilizes to blast towards the player!

1. Silver Sonic

A story behind my discovery of this character: I didn't know of his existence until I played Sonic Mania which has references to and appearances for days from characters, bosses, and zones from prior Sonic levels. Metal Sonic's boss fight included him sending him Silver Sonic drones to fight for him and when I jumped to the internet to find out what the little silver Sonic robots were I found out about the 8-bit version of the original Sonic 2 and how Silver Sonic was the big boss at the end! Now after having played that game and facing Silver Sonic for myself, it would be incredible for Jakks to produce this little robot and definitely include his little extending arm!


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