Top 5 most wanted Transformers Studio Series Decepticons vol 3

I've loved how much focus the Decepticons have gotten in the Studio Series line from Hasbro, especially as they have some of the coolest designs for Transformers in my opinion! The pool of possible Decepticons in the line grew when the original 1986 G1 film was added to the line, and since then we've gotten big wants of mine like the 1986 Blitzwing and a start to the G1 Insecticons with Kickback, albeit both of those are coming via the Legacy line. From Bayverse we got the now iconic design of the Bumblebee movie Soundwave, along with the recently revealed Sideways who looks fantastic!

Honorable Mention: Frenzy
Beginning with an honorable mention will be the final primary Decepticon character from the 2007 film that hasn't been captured in any way by the line! Frenzy was absent when he could have come with Barricade, and then again when he could have been packed with the 2007 Megatron, and at this point I'm not sure when or if we will end up getting a new minifigure of this deadly character in the line but I'm still waiting. 

5. Devcon and Junkheap
Appearing on my most wanted lists for a long while now are two characters on the more obscure side! Devcon is an absolute monster of a design who got a criminal amount of screentime compared to the potential of his design which would be a perfect leader offering. Junkheap is a prime opportunity for the line to jump back into a combiner project, especially with combiners hot again with Legacy's Menasor releasing! 

4. 1986 Constructicons

Speaking of combiners, with Legacy bringing back the G1 combiners in a big way I think it is time to start talking about the G1 Constructicons again! They were the OG combiners when it came to G1, and have made a lasting impression as the most iconic combiners! Their live action counterparts got an extremely hype entry into the Studio Series line, and while the Combiner Wars era Devastator looks nice once all is said and done, it's individual combiners end up lacking whenever they aren't combined. 

3. 1986 Shrapnel and Bombshell

We've started them, now there's no way we can't finish them! I've loved the Insecticons ever since I was a child, and having Transformers who turn into bugs is such a cool concept that I will always take more of! Their purple and black color scheme translates great into the figure form, and if Kickback is anything to go by I'd say that Shrapnel and Bombshell will come out as mini masterpieces in their own right.

2. The Fallen

Returning to the Bayverse, this is a character I'm honestly, truly surprised we haven't gotten in the line yet. The primary antagonist of the second film, as well as the namesake of the film's subtitle, The Fallen has to be the biggest character from the film's not yet touched upon! A leader class offering would suit this character great, and here's hoping that when he eventually comes out he includes his staff, and maybe even the Matrix!

1. Hatchet
Rounding out my list is a character I'm even more surprised hasn't been done in the line so far! Studio Series started with the motto that it would focus on characters who had never had figures before, or who needed sore updates, and I'd say this character practically fits both bills! The only figure we had was a smaller scaled figure that turned into a fighter jet which is completely unlike anything we see on screen! Crowbar was a fantastic figure to include in the line's first year, and while the less said about their Crankcase attempt the better I'm still impatiently waiting for the third and final member of the Dreads to enter the line!

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