Top 5 most wanted Masters of the Universe Masterverse figures vol 4

Mattel's Masterverse line seems to have taken on a whole new life from where it started. At first it looked to be a toyline representing simply the Revelation series on Netflix, but that has quickly changed and Masterverse is pulling from every corner of the MOTU franchise that it can! The live action movie, Revelation, New Adventures, as well as She-Ra and "New Eternia" which is essentially updates to those original classic designs. We've gotten so many fantastic reveals as of late either from Revelation itself or from "New Eternia" that check off a lot of my wanted figures such as Clawful, Whiplash, Buzz-Off, and Clamp Champ, with the recent SDCC also gifting us with Sorceress Teela and Orko the white from Revelation! With Revolutions right around the corner, and this line only getting more fantastic by the day, I've updated it with my new countdown of most wanted figures and characters in the line!

5. King Randor

The only holdover from the previous list, King Randor is a must for the line especially as we now have a standard Prince Adam from Revelation to pose him alongside. The King had a very regal look to him, and with so many disciples of his kingdom in the line already they need their king. His standard red robed look would be all well and good, but I'm vying more for his battle ware near the end of the second part of the series.

4. Mecha-Whiplash

With the techno-cult looking to play a bigger role than ever in the upcoming season I want more members of Motherboard's techno-cult to form that subgroup. We've gotten Tri-Klops and Trapjaw, not to mention Motherboard herself as well as the recently announced Skeletech, so next step would be a deluxe Mecha-Whiplash! The New Eternia figure didn't totally scratch my itch for a Whiplash figure in the line, so here's hoping we can get a Mecha-Whiplash to cover that base. 

3. Goatman and Pigboy

Masterverse is really starting to hit the bottom of the barrel when it comes to character and design choices from Revelation with which to base their figures (though when Revolutions comes out they'll no doubt have plenty of new material to pull from), and that remark links nicely with how Duncan himself referred to Goatman and Pigboy as the bottom of Skeletor's barrel in terms of soldiers. Obscure as they may be, they got a fun fight sequence near the end of Revelation, and would be two fun additions as a two-pack.

(Image 1 Source) (Image 2 Source)

2. Blade

Tapping into that classic 80s live action film, I honestly thought that He-Man and Skeletor were as deep as the line was going to go when it came to that movie. Then SDCC shocked us with the reveals of live action Evil-Lyn and Gwildor! One of the most visually striking characters in that movie to me was Blade and it was a delight to see him animated in the Revelation series as one of the numerous villains they faced near the end of the series. Whether Masterverse goes the route of live action or animated he would be another great villain to add to the mix. 

1. Blast-Attak

Villains have always been my thing when it comes to action figures and who I think is coolest in shows and movies, and in particular the henchmen of Masters of the Universe have really grabbed my attention. With us having checked off lots of other villains like Clawful and Webstor, my attention has next been called to Blast-Attak who we don't see a lot of in Revelation, but this ticking time bomb of a robotic villain definitely added to the sci fi fantasy fun of the series!


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