The Flash S05 EP04 Spoiler Review

(A lot of the photos the CW released for this episode were of the baseball game?)

The Flash is back one more time before going on one of those dreaded breaks that it loves going on, but before it left for a week or two it gave another compelling episode that felt a bit slower than past episodes but still moved the story along and introduced several new points to think about.

The biggest thing going on in the episode was the introduction of Spin, who is brainwashing people by way of her blog and sets out to have XS be the new speedster in town, ultimately trying to use XS to eliminate Barry. Between all this though, we got the revelation of why Nora is so cold to Iris, that being that Nora has only known about her powers for six months because she found out that her mother put a power dampening chip inside of her! It was a really well acted scene on Nora's part after their final encounter with Spin where Iris determined that she must have had a good reason for doing it and was backed up by Barry who said he trusted Iris' judgement. This left Nora floored, devastated that her father would side against her, and she left to stay with Joe for a while. It was a good way to add some tension between them and further the story's focus on Nora while making Iris more relevant, I only wonder now if it will explain what future Iris' reasoning was. One point of further thought though was when Nora said that the worst part about finding out she had powers was not hearing it from her mother, which leaves it to wonder whether she happened to find out on her own somehow, or someone else told her; which goes along with Sherloque's previous suspicion about someone from the future influencing Nora's decisions.

With the conclusion of Spin's story, it was revealed that the Thinker's satellite shards were charged with dark matter and infused objects rather than people with powers. It is a clever wrinkle and unique addition to the way that villains can crop up, starting with Spin's phone, and opening the door for other villains of this manner. This plot point connected with the secondary story that Ralph and Sherloque were exploring, as the two of them investigated the reasoning behind Cicada's mask. Sherloque insisted it was only for disguise, but Ralph pushed further, finding the type of mask, the factories where they are used (During which Cicada was seen eyeing out the hero, could Ralph be a target now?), and ultimately finding that the reason Cicada sounds the way he does is because he is injured and breaths hoarsely through the mask. It is something the audience already knew, but now team Flash knows as well. I also like that Cicada's mask is just an ordinary thing people use, continues the trend of him being just an every day man. The team further deduced though that Cicada's dagger was alike Spin's phone in that the satellite infused it with powers as well, leading Cicada to his power. Things started to get more complicated though as the episode's finale depicted Cicada returning home, in pain from his chest wound, and discovering he has super strength when he clenches one of the metal support beams in his house. Is the dark matter wound possibly bestowing him powers as it did his dagger? And how will this effect him going forward? Because of the break we'll have to wait longer than usual to find out!

No new information on the front about Caitlin's dad this week, and I'm not sure she even told anyone about the message she decoded. I'm hoping it'll be something she shares with the team and doesn't investigate on her own, seems like a pretty big deal.

Overall, there was new tension in the West-Allen house as information from the past came out, Spin was a fun but kinda forgettable villain that did manage to introduce an interesting new twist to metahumans this year, Ralph got some good time as a detective and lead us to finding out more information about Cicada; who it appears is developing his own superpowers now! Things aren't looking good for team Flash. I will say one more thing though, that being that next week's episode looks like it would've been perfect as the Halloween episode!


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