Top 5 most wanted Star Wars spinoff Black Series figures

I'm fairly certain that I've mentioned before how much I love the new Star Wars spinoff films. Both Solo and especially Rogue One easily became some of my most favorite of the franchise with a great cast of characters and an interesting story that added to the galaxy and built out the mythos of the films. Of course, with these movies came Black Series figures and as always there are ones that I want to see made that haven't been produced as of yet, and so that will be the topic of my discussion today. Continue forward for the five Black Series figures I want most from the two Star Wars spinoff films!
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5. Adult Qi'ra
The figure that we ended up getting of Qi'ra in the movie was based around her younger design from her time on Corellia, and while it was a beautiful figure and came from one of my favorite scenes of the movie, it would be nice to have her later outfit in order to better fit her in with the rest of my display. The black skirt and white jacket was what she wore when they went to recruit Lando, raid Kessel, and fly the Kessel run, case in point: it is her main outfit from the movie. Despite taking the jacket off to fight Dryden, they could still include the sword as an accessory, and her fur scarf could turn out magnificent with the right soft good application.
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4. Jyn and Cassian in imperial disguise
Jyn and Cassian peg warmed hard, but it was more for the fact that their figures were constantly repacked than the idea that no one liked them. They were two characters I really enjoyed watching and getting to know, and their imperial disguises are really the only outfits they wore that are absent from their line up of figures. Truth be told, the main reason I am hoping for these figures is mainly because of the fact that Black Series has been employing photo real tech lately which makes the head sculpts on the figures gorgeous. To be said bluntly, the head sculpts on the previous Cassian and Jyn figures are among the absolute worst, so getting figures of them during the photo real tech application would give us beautiful head sculpts of these two major characters to pop off and put on the older figures.
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3. Quay Tolsite
Solo has managed to acquire an outstanding amount of Black Series figures in short time, with every main character, trooper type, and supporting character being given figures in the line to the point that background characters and alternate costumes are all that is left for Solo to tread. The one exception is Quay Tolsite who toes the line between a background character and supporting character, though truthfully it does lean to the former; however, he has already received a figure in 3.75 form and gets more to do than the other background characters. Not only that, but its a cool looking alien! Those are rare in Black Series these days so any new alien figures would be welcome, and this would be an easy one to get out there
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2. Saw Gerrera
If you read my post of the top 10 Black Series figures that I wanted, then you know what two are coming up next. First is Saw Gerrera from Rogue One, an important part of the film and an integral emotional connection for Jyn's story. I have mentioned before how much I enjoyed his character in the film, however short his time in the movie was, but besides my liking of the character he would make a great action figure. All the sculpting and paint work that would go into him would surely end up producing a great figure, with a cape hanging off his back, part of him being robotic, and the possibility of two separate headsculpts (which is incredibly rare for the line) makes Saw Gerrera a figure with a lot of potential.
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1. Bodhi Rook
#WheresBodhi? Bodhi is easily my favorite character out of all the new Disney entertainment, played by a great actor and given a highly integral part in the movie. So why doesn't he already have a figure? Many fans have voiced how he is missing from their displays and toy lineups, and how important he is to finishing the Rogue One team, but beyond that I think he was a great character who represented the everyman in the Star Wars universe. He deserves a figure, and it needs to come out sooner rather than later. The only plus I can find to the fact that he hasn't been produced yet is that now the photo real tech is in play while it wasn't during Rogue One's launch, which means when they do make his figure, it will be beautiful and capture all of the unsteady, anxious, and hopeful emotions his actor put into the role.
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