Top 5 wanted Mega Construx Pokemon Kanto Evolutions

I've gone over my most wanted Kanto pre-evolutions from Mega Construx's Pokemon line, but now I'll be looking into the further evolutions of Kanto Pokemon that I want to see. With Kanto being their main focus, and several Kanto evolutions already popping up in the line, it is safe to say that Kanto evolutions will continue to be prominent and present in this line, and to go along with that I have my top five most wanted ready to go.

5. Omastar and Kabutops

I mentioned before how much I love the fossil Pokemon, and that goes for the original two fossil Pokemon evolutions as well. Omastar's shell and tentacles would be a feat for Mega Construx to design, while Kabutops would be a little easier I feel; however, I have no doubt that both would come out looking great. Preferably, an evolution set akin to the Snorlax/Munchlax set would be my choice for how to do the fossil Pokemon but as long as I get them, I don't care how they come.
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4. Machamp
I know for sure that this is a popular Pokemon, and so I'm not very doubtful that this one will be made into a buildable set sometime soon. I'm ready for it when it does, I've already gone over my childhood story of this Pokemon in my previous post talking about my top 10 most wanted Kanto Mega Construx Pokemon, so I'll keep this entry short here. Machamp would be unlike any of the other bigger sets done so far with his multiple muscular appendages, which would make for a fun build and a different kind of build than what has come before.
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3. Tentacruel
Speaking of multiple appendages, and Omastar's tentacles that I previously mentioned, Tentacruel takes all of that and multiplies it by a thousand. Either using soft rubber or a brick system akin to Mewtwo's tail, Mega Construx could do wonders with the dozens of tentacles beneath this Pokemon, and the bulbous sacks atop its head would make for great transparent pieces on Mega Construx's part. Not to mention that beak; so many stand out parts for the build to focus on, makes me want it even more.
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2. Hypno
Just like Machamp, I've gone over Hypno before so I'll keep it short. This is simple one of my favorite Pokemon, but then it lends itself greatly to creativity in the brick built form. The neck area is where the design would really shine, as Mega Construx could take many different paths towards doing his furry mane. Its rare for Pokemon to also be given accessories in the line, such as Cubone's bone, but here could be another perfect example of that with Hypno's pendulum, which would help this set stick out even more.
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1. Alakazam
Just like Machamp, this is another wildly popular Pokemon that will show up very soon in the line I bet. Its a powerful Pokemon with a stellar design and many things that point towards it being a great set with multiple components. The large mustache, brown vs yellow coloration, the horns, and the included perk of accessories with his spoons. He is skinny as well which would aid in allowing him a large array of motion similar to Mewtwo's figure, which is further differentiate the set since many of the larger sets do not have an excessive range of motion. All in all, Alakazam could turn out as the best set that Mega Construx releases to date, and I don't say that as a hope, I say it as a prediction.
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