Top 5 favorite G.I. Joe Classified figures of 2023

A line that truly captured my attention this year was the G.I. Joe Classified line which put out more releases than ever, and some of the best figures in the whole line! They may be the best figures coming out from Hasbro overall, period. The character selections continue to be fantastic, with heroes and villains filling out both sides of the conflict, and the future jam packed with even more awesomeness in store. 2023's releases have come to a close though, and with that I've ranked my top 5 favorite Hasbro G.I. Joe figures of 2023!

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5. Range Viper

A Walmart exclusive I was happy to be able to snag, the Range Viper is an epic looking Cobra unit that pairs up well with the Outback released for the Joe side of things. I love how militaristic Cobra's outdoors specialists are, with all of it coming together with a gnarly looking skull helmet with an exposed brain at the top! I can't express how purely cool this design looks, and the blue colors make it pop so well. 

4. Lowlight

One of the later releases of the year, I was so excited to add the Joe sniper to the line and for it to come out so well! The ability to break down his sniper rifle for storage is such a cool mechanic, and I love the attention to detail with the team intentionally putting bags under Lowlight's eyes to carry across his insomnia! The line still has a ways to go to fill out the season 2 Joe roster, but Lowlight is a very strong entry to represent the team. 

3. Nunchuk

Another late release in the year, and in fact one of the final releases as I just got mine earlier this month, Nunchuk scratches that ninja itch that G.I. Joe scratches so well! Characters like Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes are as popular as they are for a reason, and Nunchuk is an excellent ninja character to add to this sub group of Joe characters. I love the print of his camouflage and the headsculpt, along with the myriad of weapons that he comes adjourned with! Of course nunchuks are a must with his namesake, but the dual blades, and the wolverine claws have given me endless fun posing this figure!

2. Scrap Iron

I did not expect to like Scrap Iron as much as I did when I got him over the summer while at the beach with my family, but once I had him in hand I couldn't put him down and this summer is really when my collecting craze for G.I. started. There isn't too much to Scrap Iron's figure, but it is just so well put together and I love the simple design with the vest, the cuffed sleeves, and both the wicked headsculpt and demolitions helmet look so good that I can't decide which to leave the figure displayed with! Not to mention the drone that he comes with, with some of the coolest missile launch effects I've ever seen!

1. Snow Job

Another figure I didn't expect to like as much as I did was Snow Job! I knew he looked like a great figure, but him topping off my 2023 list wasn't something I was anticipating until I got the figure in from HasbroPulse and dang, I don't know exactly what it is about this figure but it just feels fantastic. His articulation is superb for a character with so many layers of clothing on, his headsculpt is one of the best in the line, and the level of accessories that he comes with all work so perfectly! Definitely the best Deluxe release that I own so far in the line, and I hope more figures are engineered to be as fluid as Snow Job has been!


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