Top 5 most wanted Marvel Legends MCU Disney+ figures vol 3

Marvel's second year of Disney+ content is getting ready to hit screens with the upcoming Moon Knight and I can't wait for it to kick off! While there were ups and downs with the first batch of Disney+ shows I overall really liked the expansion of the universe and 2022 seems jammed packed with new characters and shows to supplement the films! That goes for the Marvel Legends toyline as well which has been brimming with more MCU figures than ever, with two entire waves of 2021 dedicated to covering these Disney+ shows! 2022 has already been confirmed to have at least one Disney+ MCU wave that will include a fantastic looking Hawkeye and Kate, with an epic Infinity Ultron as the build a figure, and I cannot wait to see what other characters from the tv side of things will be joining them! We've already gotten a few of my most wanted such as more Loki figures and plenty of the What If...? cast, so I've revamped my list for another go around of my most wanted MCU Disney+ figures!

5. Ms. Marvel
Starting off with a character whose show I thought was going to have premiered by this point, and so far we're still pretty unsure about when exactly we will be getting the MCU's Ms. Marvel on screens! While we wait though I can still think about how amazingly comic accurate her suit is looking from behind the scenes photos, and that translating into the Marvel Legends line as she will no doubt receive a figure quick as the headliner of her own show!

4. Agatha Harkness
One sect of figures I think the Disney+ waves are missing out on are definitely the villains of these shows. No Flagsmasher, no Kingpin, He Who Remains, or Echo, and we're even still only now getting Infinity Ultron! The first villain to start off this era of MCU television was Agatha Harkness and definitely one of the most memorable out of this batch. The charismatic performance by Kathryn Hahn was more than enough to make Agatha stick in the minds of fans, and while I'm not entirety sure where they will take the character in her own tv show I'm hoping the Marvel Legends line will take her to plastic form as her elaborate witch design would definitely make for a great companion to Wanda. 

3. Classic Loki
Seeing the classic Loki comic book outfit on the big screen was a ton of fun, especially as it was made out of simple fabric to really pull in that more hokey comic book aesthetic. Classic Loki ended up easily as my favorite character from the Loki tv show and his ultimate sacrifice in the show was bittersweet as we've now lost that great version of Loki for the MCU. With a season 2 of Loki on the way I'm hoping the popularity of the show remains so that Hasbro goes back and fills in some of our missing pieces, such as this Classic Loki

2. More zombies (Especially Wanda)
I can say for a fact that the zombie Captain America figure is one of the absolute best Marvel Legends figures to come out in a long time! The excess amount of sculpting and detailing going on with the figure is nuts, with lots of gruesome, disgusting chunks missing that help to make this ghoulish Captain America one of the funnest figures on the shelf! It is for that fact that I simply want more zombie figures. We had an entire episodes revolving around the concept for What If...? and a whole show upcoming sometime in the future! My one request is that the zombified Wanda is the next zombie figure to come out because that was an epic MCU moment. 

1. Moon Knight and Mr. Knight

Marvel's first Disney+ foray for the new year hasn't premiered quite yet but I couldn't be more excited for it! I've actually stayed away from promotional material for the most part after the initial teaser we got because I want to go in fresh and as blind as possible. I know the concept of Moon Knight, I know the show looks extremely gritty and serious which I love to see from the MCU, and the designs for Moon Knight himself as well as Mr. Knight look absolutely bomb! Both would make fantastic action figures, and I hope they do!

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