Top 5 most wanted Jakks Pacific Sonic Badniks

One of the coolest aspects of Jakks Pacific line of Sonic the Hedgehog figures to me is the prevalence of Robotnik and his Badniks! The 2.5 inch line has given us several of these iconic robot baddies to this point like Crabmeat, the Rhinobot, and Choppers amongst others; however, the games are littered with so many variations of these guys and there's so many more I hope to see soon! So with the line really hitting a stride lately these are my top 5 most wanted Badniks from Jakk's Sonic line!

5. Burrobot

Plenty of times I've been running along in the game only to be thwarted by this driller bots flying up from the ground! Their uppercut attacks make it hard to dodge; however, they're quite easy to deal with once they come back to the ground. The toyline hasn't yet ventured too far outside of the Badniks from the first game's first level, but hopefully we'll see more soon.

4. Spikes

I always found this enemy time extremely frustrating when playing simply because taking them out was a chore. So many times I would be running and jumping through the levels only for a Spikes to appear beneath me, ruining my stride! No doubt about it though that their designs are extremely cool and crab-like, lending itself to what could be a very cool looking little figure. 

3. Caterkiller

One of the last Badniks we need from the original games' first level, Caterkillers may be one that are too big to fit in the 2.5 inch scale boxes, but also not big enough for the 4 inch scale boxes. So I would not mind some kind of playset to get these guys out in the line, especially if they include the ability to break them apart like in the game!

2. Batbrain

Another Badniks who isn't in the first level of the game, Batbrains were all over the original game's second level! Swooping down from above in hordes at times making it hard to avoid them all and take them out without getting hit by one of them. I would even go so far as to say we should get a Labyrinth zone playset like we recently have with the Flying Battery zone! The lava, floating blocks, and Batbrains would form together for a great set!

1. Newtron

One of the last Badniks from the original games' first level that Jakks hasn't hit yet, the Newtrons are amongst the franchise's most iconic as well. These chameleon type bots would hide in waterfalls, hill sides, and wherever else waiting for the right time to blast off into unsuspecting players! Their laser blasts only added to their nuisance, but I'd still love to get one into the collection!


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