Top 5 most wanted updated Transformers War for Cybertron videogame figures

I've been talking about all the different corners of the Transformers universe I want to see updated as figures from Hasbro, and one of my all time favorite pieces of media come from the War For Cybertron videogame! I absolutely loved all of the designs to come from this series, the world that it allowed us to explore, and the very cool takes on these iconic characters! Hasbro produced a few figures for this game back in the day with varying degrees of quality, but I'm hoping that Hasbro will come around and give us really good updated versions of these characters! I'm planning a separate list for Fall of Cybertron which introduced some epic highlights to the series, so for this list I'm honing in simply on the first game in the series for my top 5 most wanted figures!

5. Seekers

We know the drill by now with these guys, as soon as we have one then it is inevitable we will see all the others! Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp no doubt had some of my favorite interactions throughout the levels they were involved in, and I remember this iteration of the characters the first I had noticed to really give Thundercracker and Skywarp their own distinctively different personalities! Like all the other characters from this series their designs were uniquely Cybertronian and with how good the recent Bumblebee movie Cybertronian figures have been, I'm itching to see these designs brought back!

4. Bumblebee

And speaking of Bumblebee himself, he is definitely one of the most popular and well known designs from the game series. His spherical design would be a treat to see as a new figure and I recall the one we got during the Thrilling 30 era to not be so bad itself. If we get another I hope it would be less fiddly, and that it would still include the signature arm blades!

3. Soundwave

Everyone clamored for the Bumblebee movie's take on G1 Soundwave when it was revealed; however, when it comes to updates to the original designs I honestly love the War For Cybertron version of the character! Like so many others in these games I adore the Cybertronian nature of their designs with the abstract alternate modes and the lights throughout! I'd even go for Soundwave at a higher price point for him to include Rumble and Laserbeak!

2. Warpath

Another Autobot for the list, Warpath in the game brought all of the explosive energy of his G1 counterpart to the modern era with a wicked look tank mode, a very vibrant red color palate, and a memorable entrance as Ironhide and Optimus discussed the merits of bringing someone so young along for their deep crust mission. Turns out it was well worth it for Warpath's destructive power, and once again I love the design with the angular tank barrel and rounded off proportions!

1. Megatron

This depiction of the character alongside the 2007 movie version was the definitive Megatron for me as a child. He was ruthless, cruel, and a powerful leader that I honestly loved playing as during the game! His sarcastic wit was a perfect inclusion of the character's personality as well, and another point adding to him topping off my list is that his original figure based on the game series was one that I had for a long time. It was a very decent figure, and I'm extremely interested in seeing what Hasbro could do for the design in modern times and if they'd even upscale it to voyager class!


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