Top 5 most wanted Rebirth era Batman DC Multiverse figures

The Rebirth era comics for the mainline Batman series is definitely one of the best from that era of DC Comics and continued to deliver hit after hit of awesome storytelling. We were first introduced to Gotham and Gotham Girl in a fantastic first issue to the series, Bane's initial attack on Batman followed later by the City of Bane storyline was an epic that pitted Batman against his own father, the Joker war culminated years of the New 52's tease that the Joker knew Batman's identity all along, and during all that we had the flourishing of Batman and Catwoman's relationship which I became a huge fan of. This series has been one of the foremost reasons I believe Batman remains one of the most popular comic book characters, and these are five characters and designs from the series I want to see from Mcfarlane's DC Multiverse line in the future!

5. Punchline
Introduced in the Joker War as Joker's new sidekick, replacing Harley who had long since left that relationship behind, Punchline brought a more quiet and deadly force to be reckoned with. The laughing flamboyance was left to Joker as she deadly seriously cut her swath into Batman lore, and is making her own comic book return now!

4. Psycho Pirate
The catalyst for a lot of the early storylines from the series, Psycho Pirate sent the new hero "Gotham" into madness, his acquiring from Bane drove Batman to recruit villains to break into Bane's fortress with, and Bane first came to Gotham seeking to reobtain Psycho Pirate! That's a lot of focus this emotion manipulator got for a while, not to mention his role in the original Crisis on Infinite Earths, Infinite Crisis, and other big DC events make me hope a Psycho Pirate figure is coming sooner than later.

3. Kite Man
Another stand out storyline from this era of Batman comics was the War of Jokes and Riddles that pitted Joker and the Riddler against one another, leading to a bloody war that Kite Man was manufactured to be the hero of. Kite Man is now a villain a lot of fans can easily name thanks to his importance to this event, and his popularity has grown with his role on the Harley Quinn tv series!

2. Gotham and Gotham Girl
The first storyline of Batman's Rebirth era introduced us to two of my favorite characters from this series. Gotham Girl and Gotham, two kids once saved by Batman who became heroes of their own inspired by the Dark Knight, and had a short lived career as heroes under his tutelage. The powers being able to strengthen depending on whatever they were facing, at the cost of their life force made for a very cool concept that ultimately proved tragic when Gotham was brainwashed into fighting the Justice League... Gotham Girl ended up playing a substantial role in the City of Bane storyline as well as The Price crossover with Flash's comic run, and I hope these two modern heroes can get their due as action figures.

1. Catwoman
Like I mentioned above, this series is what made me a huge fan of the Batman/Catwoman relationship. It was so clear how well they worked alongside one another, seeing Batman truly becoming happy, and seeing them work together through so many hardships as a team! Her leaving him at the alter was a very silly creative choice that I'm glad was pulled back on with the two coming back together not long after that...though they ultimately left off on the point that they'd go their separate ways for a year and see how things turn out. I'm not fully caught up on Batman comics quite yet, but I really want them to finally settle down and make it official like Lois and Clark, and in addition to that I'd really like a Rebirth era Catwoman to go with our Rebirth Batman figure!


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