Top 5 most wanted Transformes Animated updated figures


Transformers has dived into the Animated universe once again and while they aren't true representations of the characters as they appeared on-screen I've liked what I've seen so far and have enjoyed Prowl, Bumblebee, and Optimus as we've gotten so far. I hope the figures continue to look more like they're original designs appeared as (similar to what has been happening with the Prime figures over time), but I think the ones we've gotten so far have been exciting to have Animated back on the shelves, and these next five are the ones I hope we see updated next!

5. Shockwave

One of my all time favorite Transformers Animated takes on a character was Shockwave, appearing as a transforming double agent which the original toy captured perfectly! It still remains one of my favorite figures from the original Animated line and still holds up really well today! The prospect of a Transformer who transforms into another Transformer isn't something Transformers dips into often, with the most recent example coming to mind being Punch and Counterpunch. I'd love to see another take on this version of Shockwave/Longarm, especially with the Animated Legacy figure skewing more towards the show's style than G1. 

4. Sentinel Prime

We don't get toys of Sentinel Prime often, and the last one I can recall is the Dark of the Moon voyager from Studio Series. The Animated incarnation of Sentinel was a frat-boy type jerk competing with Optimus for notoriety. He was a fun foil to have in the series, and his design is one that I'd love to see adapted once again into figure form with the front plowed truck mode. 

3. Lockdown

The history and popularity of this character speaks for itself, with him getting a staring role as the main villain of Age of Extinction, and continuing on past his Animated origin for continued roles and uses in other Transformer media! With Legacy paying homage to so many epic villains from across the Transformers multiverse like Tarn and Jhiaxus, Lockdown is another I hope gets his due soon with his spiked neck, hook hand, and powerful muscle car form!

2. Wreck-Gar

People have been postulating that the recent Trashmaster Junkion from Legacy may be retooled into a Wreck-Gar from Animated, and while I still wish we'd get more screen faithful adaptations of these characters I think it would be great to get this rendition of the character out into the line once again. Weird Al was the perfect voice to bring this character once again, with a great muscle and beard combo to go along with a trash backpack that would be great for holding accessories. 

1. Lugnut

Recent Hall of Fame winner is Lugnut, who sooner or later I can see warranting either a thick leader class figure, or preferably a massive Commander class figure! He and Blitzwing were two of my absolute favorite parts of Animated, and their large role in the early portions of the show were one of the things that really won me over to the series. The creepy cyclops visage, the boulder-like pincers he has for hands, and the massive form of this Decepticon would make him a stand out figure in the line if done right.


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