Top 5 most wanted Transformers WFC Kingdom Beast Wars figures vol 3

G1 has dominated the Transformers toyline for so long that when Studio Series was revealed it was like a breath of fresh air, and that fresh air was hit us even harder with the third chapter of the War for Cybertron trilogy. Kingdom has a major focus on Beast Wars, one of the most beloved non-G1 Transformers shows and the updates to classic characters from this portion of Transformers history has been fantastic! This will be my third list talking about the Beast Wars characters I want updated into the modern line, proving how well Hasbro is covering Beast Wars ground, and from my last list we've now got Optimus Primal, Dinobot, and Rhinox all taking up shelf real estate. So with the hope that there are lots more Beast Wars surprises in the future for us, this is my vol 3 of most wanted Beast Wars updated figures from Hasbro!

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5. Terrorsaur
Essentially filling the role of cunning, backstabbing subordinate Starscream held during G1, Terrorsaur transforms into an awesome pteradon and got a fair amount of play during the original show. At this point, the Predacon presence in the Kingdom line is pretty small compared to the Maximals we've gotten so hopefully we get more Predacons soon to balance this out, and Terrorsaur would be a great choice.

4. Inferno
Essentially the opposite of Terrorsaur, Inferno is deathly loyal to Megatron and to the Predacon reign. This Predacon also has a very unique alternate mode, becoming a huge ant which is something you definitely do not see much of in Transformers. That's one of the things I love most about Beast Wars, as the alternate modes are so unique and unlike anything else in the franchise. 

3. Tarantulas
You might be noticing a trend so far with so many Predacons appearing on the list. Like I mentioned before we simply just haven't gotten many of them, and any of these options I've been mentioning would be great candidates to come next! Tarantulas' tarantula alternate form would be awesome if Blackarachnia is anything to go off of, and I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing it come to fruition in Kingdom.

2. Tigatron
Jumping back over to the Maximals for a moment, this may be the character from that faction most noticeably missing from the line up now. He recently received a fantastic looking Masterpiece figure, and I think its time as well as general retail to get their own updated Tigatron. Loner characters have distinctively always been some of the coolest among cast members, and his love for earth and peace only make him cooler in my book.

1. Waspinator
Now if there is one character overall who is noticeable missing from the line up we've amassed so far, it is no doubt the loud, impulsive, disgusting Waspinator! He is one of the most iconic characters to come out of the original Beast Wars tv shows, his design and voice very recognizable among long time fans, and if Waspinator doesn't appear soon in the line we riot. Food for thought for Hasbro: make him a Fossilizer, homaging Waspinator's tendency to get blown apart!


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