Top 5 most wanted G1 Transformers War for Cybertron figures vol 4

The War for Cybertron line by Hasbro has been doing an amazing job of updating and retranslating the original cast of the G1 Transformers cartoon to action figure form. Studio Series has also jumped into the action with their 1986 subline focusing on characters who appeared in the original 1986 movie, giving us arguably some of the best modern day Transformers figures. At this rate, we may have the original core cast of the first three seasons filled out soon, and from my previous list talking about my most wanted characters from the original show we have gotten Galvatron, heroes from the 1986 movie like Kup, Blurr, and Rodimus, as well as easy repaints like Bumblebee, the Coneheads, and Inferno. So with the third and final chapter of the War for Cybetron line pumping along, here is my fourth list of my most wanted updated G1 Transformers action figures.

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5. More Minibots

The Minibots have been a tougher pill to swallow in the current lines, because as fantastic as their new figures are it hurts a little to pay 20$ for Huffer, Bumblebee, and other smaller bots compared to all other deluxes. Regardless, I happily welcome more updated versions of these small but mighty Autobot characters. Cosmos and Brawn have always been favorites, not to mention Gears, Beachcomber, Powerglide, and everyone else we're missing from this group at this point.

4. Insecticons
Speaking of smaller bots, the Insecticons is a group I'd really like to see revisited soon. They've always been some of my favorite characters from the original cartoon due to their creepy personalities, eerie voices, awesome designs and color pallets, not to mention insect alternate modes being very unique. Shrapnel showed up on a fan vote not too long ago, and while he lost it does show that Hasbro is showing consideration for the Insecticons once again, which hopefully they do follow up on.

3. Blitzwing
After getting Astrotrain I was sure that it wouldn't be much longer until we got his fellow triple changer, Blitzwing, but he hasn't turned up quite yet. I'm very excited to see what modern design work can do for the character though, and I know lots of other collectors are looking forward to it too. Blitzwing is one of the most popular characters in G1 lore, and his brief but memorable scene in the 1986 movie means he could potentially pop up in either Studio Series or WFC.

2. Wreck-Gar
Speaking of the 1986 movie, the cast of that movie has quickly basically been filled out as of late. Even the villain side of things has their roster basically finished, right down to the Quintessons, which all makes Wreck-Gar's omission so far more and more glaring. I'm sure there are plans for this character soon, and I can't wait to see it based on how fantastic all the other 1986 figures have been! 

1. Dinobots
While the 1986 Hot Rod figure is essentially Masterpiece quality, there is no denying the the 1986 Grimlock from Studio Series may hold the top spot at the moment when it comes to figures based on the G1 cartoon. That's just my opinion, but that leader class Grimlock is close to perfect and with the right scale now being utilized for the Dinobots, I hope the rest of the team comes along as well. These characters are no doubt some of the most popular and iconic characters in the whole franchise, and giving them the leader/voyager treatment is something that has been a long time coming!


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