Top 5 most wanted Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Black Series figures vol 3

Return of the Jedi has been getting a lot of attention and focus from the Star Wars Black Series line by Hasbro as of lately. Whenever we aren't getting something from Mandalorian, Clone Wars, or Bad Batch it seems to be almost always something from the sixth movie in the franchise! We got all of the core trio in their Endor ponchos and outfits, General Calrissian, and finally Bib Fortuna as well! Not to mention the freaking Rancor is joining the line as the Black Series' first Haslab project! With that I'm sure that we'll be getting lots more characters from the final film in the original trilogy, and with most of my previous most wanted ROTJ figures now a reality, here is my updated list of most wanted figures from the film!

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5. Endor trooper and AT-ST driver

Starting off with trooper territory, these are two that I'm surprised we haven't gotten yet! The Endor rebel trooper would make for another fantastic rebel trooper in the line, with colorful green camo, and the line always deserving more rebels to match the stormtroopers we get. The AT-ST driver is one of the final Empire troopers from the original trilogy that hasn't been created in figure form yet, and I'm hoping that it isn't much longer until they are! I love their helmet designs and the overall coloration of their suits, plus there's the chance that we could even get a whole AT-ST as a larger vehicle similar to the Snowspeeder!

4. Skiff guards
Diving into Jabba's palace territory, which we will see a lot of in this list, the Skiff guards as a whole group are a fun design batch of prune faced aliens. Jabba's been pretty lonely on the shelf ever since he first released, and with the Gamorrean guard a couple years ago and Bib Fortuna finally coming down the line the first real steps towards building out the display is coming to fruition. 

3. Jabba's band and dancers

Two pretty iconic groups from the other films were the band playing in Jabba's palace as well as the group of dancers he had for himself. The Max Rebo band would be a fantastic multi-pack, with all of them being really fun, alien designs! Max Rebo himself would be one of the coolest looking figures on the Star Wars shelf in terms of how much he would draw eyes due to looking like a plump mutant elephant. The dancers skew away from the child friendly side of Star Wars, but would be a great group to collect for long time fans and Oola in particular would be a no brainer addition with the upcoming Rancor!

2. Rancor keeper
If there were any figures that were absolutely vital to the line now that the Rancor is becoming a reality it would have to be the Rancor keeper! I will be stunned if he doesn't turn up as one of the stretch goals for the behemoth, as his scene where he lamented the death of the Rancor was one of the scenes that stuck with me most as a child watching the original movie. With how many guys in brown jackets we get nowadays too, the Rancor keeper in all his shirtless glory would be a welcome change.

1. Nien Nunb
Crawling out of the Jabba's palace display wishlist for the final slot on this list, that title will have to go to Nien Nunb! He is one of the arguably most iconic aliens from the original trilogy and most casual fans can easily recognize him, or at least the fact that he is from Star Wars. He was a really fun partner to have with Lando during the climax of the movie, and becomes even more of a must needed figure now that we have Lando in his General outfit.


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