Top 5 most wanted green Power Rangers in Hasbro's Lightning Collection vol 2

Hasbro's been moving through the Green rangers in their Morphin history with Zeo, Psycho, and Lost Galaxy entering the line since the last time I did one of these lists! And with the rosters ever growing as Hasbro's Lightning Collection line keeps pushing through, here is my next round of most wanted Green rangers for the display! 

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Honorable mention: Turbo

Starting off with an honorable mention, I wanted to include the Turbo Green ranger on the list, specifically the Adam version of the character. Adam is definitely one of my favorite rangers from the show's history, and while Turbo's costume designs aren't amongst my favorite I did really like Adam's hairstyle in this season which would make for a cool unmasked portrait.

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5. Dino Fury

I recently talked about this newer ranger on my most wanted Hasbro era Rangers list, and Izzy is making the Green ranger list as the first and only female so far from Power Ranger's mainstream history! Dino Fury is a team I'm itching for them to delve into further, and Green would be good!

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4. Time Force

Holding over from the previous list is Trip, a Time Force member that I hope they get to quick since Hasbro is FINALLY returning to this team after forever! The deluxe vehicle pack for the Blue ranger looks epic, and with Wes no longer alone on the shelf I'm ever more eager to get more members of his team.

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3. Lightspeed Rescue

If Hasbro doesn't include a cowboy hat with this character I will quick collecting altogether. Jokes aside, Joel was one of the best characters from the Lightspeed Rescue team and a very entertaining one at that, his constant vies for affection a running gag I was happy to see eventually pay off. This season of Power Rangers is one they haven't gotten into yet, but will hopefully soon!

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2. RPM

Just like Lightspeed Rescue, and the next slot on this list, RPM is a show Hasbro hasn't quite gotten to it yet but seeing how the rest of the line has been handled up to this point has me extremely excited to get each member of the RPM team in plastic form! In particular, Ziggy is among my top two most needed from this roster as, just like Joel, he was a stand out character and very entertaining whenever he was on screen! My favorite Ziggy moments were him pointing out some of the odd in-universe occurrences like the explosions that always happen when Rangers morph. 

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1. Mystic Force

Topping off the list will be Zander, who easily ranks amongst my top ten favorite rangers in Power Rangers history! He was funny, rocked the awesome Mystic Force costume design which I hope to see in the line soon, and even had one of the most outstanding power up forms with his muscle mode! He was also one of the special rangers who returned for the Operation Overdrive crossover event, whose team is steadily growing with Adam's MMPR Black figure and Dino Thunder Yellow coming out now!

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