Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse The Suicide Squad (2021) movie figures vol 2

I thought that the new The Suicide Squad movie was an aboslute blast and one of the most comic book-like movies I've ever seen! From the style of the movie itself, to the characters and the costumes, it was like a real life comic book and the figure Mcfarlane made for the movie were great as well! We got a fantastic selection of characters rounding out a lot of the main cast including Harley Quinn and Bloodsport, not to mention King Shark, Polka Dot Man, and Peacemaker who I included on my previous list of most wanted figures from the movie! So with having seen the film for myself, here's the characters and designs I'm hoping Mcfarlane returns to in a potential wave 2 of The Suicide Squad figures!

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5. Rick Flag
His design isn't anything particularly standout, though I like it more than the typical army garb he wore in the first film. The yellow t shirt is very accurate to his original comic design, and the cartoon bunny printed on the front is a fun little addition. Rick Flag no doubt was one of the best characters in the movie, many times playing the straight man to the idiocy of the other squad members, and he provided as well for one of the most shocking moments of the movie!

4. Captain Boomerang
His role in the movie was short but sweet, bringing back the same Boomerang charm from the first as he harassed other members of the team. I've always been a big fan of this incarnation of Captain Boomerang, and I really liked his updated look in the movie with the mixture of blues as well as the illuminated boomerangs he wielded!

3. Ratcatcher 2
In order to truly finish out the main roster of squad members from the movie we definitely need Ratcatcher 2 who provided one of the emotional cores for the story. Her big moment at the end of the film was amazing, and her grungy Ratcatcher garb would make for another unique figure on the shelf! I can only hope as well that she includes a miniature Sebastian!

2. Weasel
One of the funniest parts of the movie no doubt was the Weasel! This grotesque, uncomfortable humanoid Weasel was as freaky as the trailers made him out to be! His role in the movie was miniscule at best, but that didn't stop him from becoming one of the most talked about members among fans and definitely deserving of a great figure which would certainly be unique!

1. Starro
There was no way this character wouldn't be taking the number one spot after I found out he was in the movie! Starro the Conqueror was absolutely amazing to see on the big screen and it is still amazing to think that we got Starro as a main villain in a live action DC film! I loved the design, colors, and use of the character and while it will be impossible to ever get an in scale version of the character from Mcfarlane I can hope for a scaled down version one day!


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