Top 5 most wanted Hasbro Transformers Legacy Targetmasters and Headmasters

Another section of the Transformers universe that Hasbro has been exploring in full has been the Headmasters and Targetmasters! With the Titans Returns line we actually got a ton of these guys put out, and the continued use of those molds to today indicates that a lot of them are considered by Hasbro to be the best version they're putting out right now. I'd agree that a good deal of them are pretty solid, and seeing them repainted in toy colors for the retro subline last year was a treat. Titans Returns didn't cover them all though, and recently we've cycled through a few more missing members of these groups like Crosshairs, Spinister, Fangry, and most recently Point Blank! I've got five more I'd like to see in the future though!

5. Needlenose
Poor guy, he has shown up on multiple fan votes and lost out to other characters. Hopefully Hasbro just goes ahead and makes him at this point, as other fan vote losers have ended up being made as well. With Point Blank coming with his Targetmaster I'd be interested to see if Needlenose would come with Sunbeam and Zigzag; however, two whole Targetmasters may be enough to bump Needlenose up to Voyager or exclusive territory.

4. Landfill
I've always loved the Constructicons, and by extension I think that has come to include any Transformer who turns into Construction equipment. Landfill fits that bill, but comes out as an Autobot which is feel isn't common aside from bots like Grapple and Hauler who also become Construction vehicles. 

3. Quickmix 
Another Autobot Construction vehicle, and a mixing truck at that point which is a really unique vehicle mode for Transformers in the grand scheme. I am also really digging the red and white color scheme for this character, and the crazy design scheme of the mixing barrel becoming most of the robot mode chest! 

2. Horri-Bull
With Fangry having entered the line last year, the stage is set for his two wave mates from his original release to join the line as well, who also starred in the original commercial appearance for their toys. Horri-Bull has an incredi-bull name and I will never get tired of Transformers who have really unique alt modes so bring on the bot who turns into a bull!

1. Squeezeplay
And speaking of bots with unique molds, Squeezeplay becomes a literal monster. There's a lot of reminiscent design choices from characters like Blot, another really fun Transformers with a very different kind of alt mode. A lot of the Decepticon Headmasters had the tendency to transform into various creatures, and Squeezeplay is one I'd happily add to the group!


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