Top 5 most wanted Transformers Studio Series figures in 2023

2023 is fast approaching and with it will be another year of Hasbro's Studio Series Transformers line! We've been getting a lot of my most wanted figures since I last talked about what I wanted from the line, with designs like Dark of the Moon Soundwave, Dino, Blitzwing, and 2007 Megatron all getting great figures. I'm sure there will be plenty of Rise of the Beasts products to accompany the film; however, everything on this list will be from media we've already seen since we haven't even gotten a trailer for that movie to show us what the designs will look like. So with this line remaining one of the best Transformers lines on the market, this is what I'm hoping to see from the movie realm in 2023!

Honorable mentions: Devcon and Junkheap
It feels like I've been talking about these two forever and at this point I'm unsure if they'll ever actually come to fruition. Devcon would be a monstrous, stand out unique figure on the shelf while Junkheap would be a really neat three person combining team. Fingers crossed we will someday see these guys.

5. Properly scaled Bumblebee movie Shockwave
When we got that Core class version of this design I was beyond confused, especially for the Studio Series which lauds scale as one of their top priorities. We got literally every other character in the movie in their proper scales which really puts Shockwave out of place so I'm hoping the design is revisited for a Voyager scale where he truly should be. All the other Cybertronian designs made for fantastic figures, and I want this Shockwave to get that treatment.

4. 1986 Constructicons
With Hasbro delving into G1 Combiners again with their awesome Menasor project I would love to see another take on the Constructicons! I was never a fan of the scramble city design method where everyone could combine with one another, and frankly a lot of the Combiner Wars stuff did not sit right with me. Menasor shows that Hasbro is now trying to give us full G1 accuracy along with decent individual and combined modes for the characters, so getting a full set of G1 Constructicons who have no corners cut for combined mode is a project I'd love to see, especially after Studio Series' Bayverse Devastator.

3. Ice Cream Truck Mudflap and Skids
We're reaching a point where Studio Series will have to do these guys at least to fill slots in the line with how swept up the cast is becoming. They are truly some of the final Revenge of the Fallen designs to be put into the line, and their Ice Cream truck form is one I'm very much hoping to see. I love the aesthetic of the dirty pink and white alternate mode, and having Transformers combine into a vehicle is a cool concept we really don't see a lot of. 

2. Hatchet
Another cool concepts in Transformers are bots whose bot modes are animalistic creatures. Seeing an SUV form into a big dog-like Transformer was very cool when I saw Dark of the Moon, and Dino's bio on the back of his box specifically called out Hatchet by name so I have to think that Hasbro has him on the radar to do at some point! Just like the Twins, Hatchet is one of the final designs waiting to be redone from Dark of the Moon, though he is beat out by one bot...

1. Que
A lot of the Dark of the Moon bots were among my top anticipated characters for the Studio Series line when it first launched and I can't believe I'm still waiting after so many years. We've been getting a lot of great stuff so I'm not complaining about that, but I was sure that with the launch statement of focusing on characters who either never got figures or desperately needed updates we'd see the likes of Hatchet, Dino, and Que way earlier than we have! Dino finally got his first legitimate figure ever which was a celebration; however, Que is easily one of my favorite Bayverse bots and fingers and toes are crossed that 2023 will be his year!


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