Top 5 wanted DC Multiverse figures based on the 2021-2022 Robin series

A recent series that I greatly enjoyed and did not realize was coming to an end was the 2021-2022 Infinite Frontier era run of Robin. It really added some great growth and development to Damien's character while spotlighting and introducing some really compelling characters that I hope to continue seeing in the DC universe's future! We already gotten the Robin design in figure form which is certainly my favorite Robin figure up to this point, and in celebration of a great series that ended way too soon here are five more characters I want in figure form by Mcfarlane! 

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5. Mother Soul

The big bad of the series, and who looks like the new primary antagonist from the Al Ghul family, Mother Soul brought a new dynamic to the legacy of Damien's bloodline and let us learn a whole lot more about his mother's side of the family. Seeing her interactions with Ras and Talia alone were worth her introduction, and I can't wait to see where the comics take her from here especially with the cliffhanger.

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4. Hawke

A big time rival for Robin at the start of the series before growing into a respectable ally, Hawke was a great foil throughout the series during the tournament. It was fitting to see the two of them teaming up by the end of the series, and with Hawke setting out to form a relationship with his father, Green Arrow, hopefully we'll be seeing plenty more of this character soon.

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3. Ravager

Another awesome character who we got to see plenty of throughout the tournament was Ravager, Deathstroke's daughter who has had a few great appearances over the last few years as well whether it be DCeased or her role in the Shadow War event. A sleek looking Rebirth era Deathstroke is hitting shelves from Mcfarlane now, so it is time to start building out his family line too.

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2. Flatline

These next two by far are my favorite characters of the series and who I sorely hope are not forgotten now that this Robin run has come to a close. Flatline was another fighter in the tournament set up as a strong rival for Robin, even providing one of the comic's first gasp worthy moment when she ripped Robin's heart from his chest! From there, the two organically formed a relationship I'm very much hoping to see continue in the line of a Batman/Catwoman dynamic! The only one from this series that I want as a figure more than Flatline though is her mentor...

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1. Lord Death Man

I had zero knowledge of this character existing until I read this comic, and now I want to see him everywhere! His character was funny, endlessly entertaining, and I found myself quoting him constantly! Seeing him through Flatline's origin flashbacks before meeting him proper in the comic's final issues were a delight. If we are to ever get a figure of Lord Death Man I would have to proclaim, to quote this amazing character, "Now we're cooking with gas!"

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