Top 5 wanted Star Wars Black Series The Acolyte figures


The latest live action Star Wars show from Disney has wrapped up, and while there has been a large negative reaction to it by some fans I personally loved the series and it's heavy focus on The Force, the Jedi, and the flaws of the Jedi that ultimately lead to their downfall. With some of the coolest lightsaber fights in modern Star Wars, high stakes, and a litany of figures already revealed (definitely need Sol, Yord, and Jecki), this is my top 5 list of Star Wars Hasbro Black Series figures from The Acolyte I hope to see made next! 

(Following Images Source)

5. Vernestra

While she did not get to take part in any of the major action sequences of the show Vernestra was a central player in how events were covered up, and seems to have a deeper history with Qimir than has been thus far revealed. The greatest selling point for a figure of her would be her lightsaber whip which sadly didn't get enough screentime in the show!

4. Mae/Osha (Civilian) and Osha (Brendok)

While not the most dynamic outfits, Mae and Osha's designs from the second half of the series are the ones I really want for the characters. The civilian outfit Osha wears when they first encounter The Stranger makes that outfit a must for filling out that display, and it doubles as a Mae figure as well as she took the outfit to pretend to be Osha. Meanwhile, Osha's darker design from the ending of the show solidified her allegiance with Qimir, and both outfits being more of my definitive looks for the two. 

3. Torbin

Episode 7 is one of my favorite episodes of the series, and one of the most flawed Jedi I've seen is Torbin, a bit of a brat of a Padawan who finds boredom in field work and sorely wants to return to Coruscant. While he does have some neat lightsaber tricks (including seemingly recreating Anakin's signature behind the back spin), Torbin's defeat against Kelnacca is almost funny, and I would love a battle damaged headsculpt. 

2. Kelnacca

Speaking of Kelnacca, I was a bit disappointed when he was killed off in episode 4 without getting to do much, but the flashback of episode 7 granted all my wishes as we got an epic battle between a brainwashed Kelnacca against Torbin and Sol. It lived up to everything I wanted from a Wookie Jedi, and concreted him as a figure I need made! 

1. The Stranger

Above all else, Qimir's The Stranger is the figure from the series that most direly needs to be made in Hasbro's Black Series line. His haunting entrance in episode 4 and the cliffhanger for the start of his first fight had me anxious to start episode 5 which was one of the coolest lightsaber battles Ive seen in a long time. The Cortosis helmet is sick, the modular lightsaber with a detachable dagger is awesome, and overall he has the making for one of the coolest villain figures for Hasbro to put out!


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