Top 5 most wanted McFarlane DC Multiverse comic book villain figures vol 2

While the heroes of comic book pages can be a lot of fun, inspiring, and the reason we read their stories, many times the villains of the DC comics world hold as much draw for fans! The colorful rogues that make up the foes of famous superheroes like Superman, Batman, and beyond can sometimes be as iconic as the heroes they're fighting, and it's been great to see Mcfarlane leaning hard into the villain side of things with their DC Multiverse line! We've gotten quite a nice collection of villains already, from the Dark Knights, to Azrael and Deathstroke, and from my previous list about this subject we've also gotten Joker, more Batman villains like Bane and Scarecrow, as well as more Superman villains like Bizarro! So I'm coming back around and flipping through the pages of villain history to compile my most wanted DC comics Mcfarlane villain figures vol 2!

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Honorable mention: Crime Syndicate
I've gone over this team a few times when talking about Mcfarlane's DC line and they remain one of my most hoped for figure sets from the line! I can't imagine them just doing one member without the others meaning this group would for sure be a bigger undertaking, and while they are high on my list, I'll relegate them to an honorable mention for now behind some more likely of my top picks. 

Honorable mention 2: Secret Six
With such a huge focus on the Dark Knights Metal/Death Metal designs and storylines from Mcfarlane, I figured it was only a matter of time until the Secret Six from the Batman/Superman and Hell Arisen storylines made an appearance in the line. King Shazam is a great one to start with, and I cannot wait for the rest of the team to be put together. Scarab, Sky Tyrant, and Kara Zor-El in particular are members that I think would make stunning figures, and Sky Tyrant's wings are already fully sculpted thanks to the Batman who Laughs w/Sky Tyrant wings figure!

5. Darkseid
We're getting two figures of Darkseid based on his Snyder cut appearance, with his armored look in particular looking like a fantastic figure representation of the titular baddie. Next up though I'm hoping for his comic looks to be translated into a figure by Mcfarlane, and as one of the most prominent and well established and known villains of the DC universe there is a huge history of this character to draw from. I've especially liked his New 52 designs, and his most recent Infinite Frontier look would be very interesting as well.

4. Lex Luthor
Another one of DC's staple villains, Lex Luthor has had a major presence in recent years comics not only as Superlex for the beginning of Rebirth, but also leading a lot of the Hell Arisen and Justice League comic stories as the leader of the Legion of Doom and Perpetua's herald for a time. Apex Lex is a figure I've been interested in seeing made for a while now, though my overall preferred look would be his green power suit from his appearances in Forever Evil and the Amazo Virus as examples. 

3. Doomsday
The Devastator was one of the most incredible figures to come out of the line at the time of release and still remains as one of the prime examples I believe Mcfarlane should keep the rights to the DC figures. It's a hefty, incredibly sculpted action figure that makes me truly excited for when they delve into making a Doomsday! With the new deluxe figure price point and larger box option available now, Mcfarlane could truly knock it out of the park with a massive, monstrous comic book depiction of this creature.

2. Superboy Prime
One of my absolute all time favorite villains of all time from DC comics is Superboy Prime! Starting out from such a humble place, his turn to villainy and tragic downfall was such an interesting read for the character and I couldn't have guessed where his story was heading at all based on where he started. He even got a starring role in Death Metal, bringing his story full circle and helping to save the Multiverse; becoming a hero once again! His armored look where he fashioned himself plating made from the Anti Monitor is unspeakable awesome, and with all the alternate Supermen we've gotten so far, Superboy Prime would be an excellent choice!

1. The Rogues and Reverse Flash

One corner of the DC universe I'm still waiting on Mcfarlane to delve into further is Flash's side of things. The Barry Allen figure we got is fantastic, and while not comic based the Injustice Gorilla Grodd is another stand out figure for the line! The Rogues have made a name for themselves as one of the best villain teams in all of DC comics, with Captain Cold, Heatwave, Weather Wizard and the others all great characters in their own right. There's no discussing Flash villains though without bringing up Reverse Flash and I'm honestly astounded we haven't get gotten Eobard Thawne in the line so far. An easy repainting of the Barry Allen figure could give us this iconic foe, and that's a day I'm eagerly awaiting as Reverse Flash is without a doubt one of DC's greatest villains and one of my most wanted figures in the whole line!


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