Most wanted alternate versions of McFarlane DC Multiverse established characters vol 5

While I still see people complaining about Mcfarlane's line of DC Multiverse figures being primarily Batman, the reality is that he has truly branched out and is including many different corners of the DC universe and plenty of characters who aren't wearing a bat styled cowl. So many new characters have been brought into the line in fact that I'm back with a vol 5 of my most wanted alternate versions of characters currently present in the DC line! A couple are characters from previous lists that we got my most wanted for, such as the Man of Steel Superman, and a live action Batman, along with Wonder Woman's Death Metal design. Many though are completely new additions to this list, and with even more characters certainly on the horizon, here are some of my most wanted alternate versions of the characters we have!

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Etrigan: classic outfit
The Demon is a fan favorite character I know plenty are very excited about getting in the line. While it may not be the classic outfit many are familiar with, I think his Demon Knights armored look is so cool, and I can't wait to add it to the collection. That classic outfit design for Etrigan though is still high up on the want list, and the next logical choice for another Etrigan figure in my opinion.

Bloodsport and Peacemaker: comic book

The Suicide Squad movie wave looks amazing, to put it simply, and I think all of the characters have been translated to figure form really well! Bloodsport's new outfit looks very hardcore, but it would be fun for Mcfarlane to return to the character's comic book origins with the red bandana, black tank top, and ammo munitions running down his shoulder. Peacemaker is another character whose comic book look would be a lot of fan to achieve as a figure, with the shoulder pads and larger mask looking wonderfully comic booky.

Dr. Fate: New 52 Earth 2
While Dr. Fate wouldn't have been my pick for the next Injustice design to be made, it is still a great figure choice for the line and going forward I think a really amazing Fate design to adapt would be his New 52 Earth 2 design where his helmet and armor looks extremely ornate, with the rest of his costume looking like it houses the cosmos itself!

Hal Jordan and Green Lantern: Parallax and Guy Gardner or Jessica Cruz

Doubling up on this slot in the list, we recently got our first look at the upcoming Hal Jordan from Mcfarlane which will be included in a two pack with the Dawnbreaker. Parallax has always been one of Hal's most iconic looks from the comics, and that armored, villainous look for the character would make for a great figure that represents one of the character's most famous times in comics. On the general Green Lantern front, I'm really hoping to see either Guy Gardner or Jessica Cruz next, both being some of my personal favorites lanterns from the comics!

Batwoman Beyond and Batman Beyond

Doubling up once again, the announcement of a whole Batman Beyond wave of characters was something that shocked me but I personally love such a random grouping of designs and more obscure characters for the line that really makes it feel like anyone could be ripe for figures. Batman Beyond has retained a pretty standard costume design through his appearances, though the alternate skin in Arkham Knight's videogame would be really awesome as a toy. For Batwoman Beyond, I've seen lots of fans discussing how easy it would be for Mcfarlane to repaint her costume and give us the blue and red rendition, which would be a fantastic way to get both looks easily in the line.

Aquaman: 2018 film
A brand new character to the Multiverse line, and one who I hope his next figure in the line is from the same universe as I loved Aquaman's design from the Aquaman movie. The movie itself surprised me with just how much fun it was and how much I enjoyed it, especially after Joss Whedon's cut of Justice League left me not caring much for the DCEU's Aquaman. James Wan did a great job though, and the perfect translation of Arthur's orange and green comic book costume to the silver screen worked great.

Wonder Woman: Infinite Frontier and Yara Flor

We've so far gotten some pretty diverse looks for Wonder Woman in the line, almost all of them very stylized designs though I'm so happy to have the epic Death Metal design for the character in figure form! Going forward, there's another very stylized look for Diana I'm hoping to see in the line and that would be her look from the end of the Infinite Frontier one shot earlier this year! Speaking of Wonder Woman as well, I've completely fallen in love with Yara Flor as a character as well as her character's costume design. I know it is too soon to hope for any Future State figures to be announced, but I hope Yara's Wonder Woman is one of the first we get!

Steppenwolf: New 52 Earth 2
I haven't actually seen a lot of Steppenwolf in the comics, and I personally prefer the alien version of the character's look from the DCEU films, but I still really enjoyed his New 52 Earth 2 appearances as my most iconic memories of the character's comic book past. The opening issue seeing the Trinity dying to stop his invasion of Earth is still one of the most shocking moments I've read in a comic book, and his death one of the most brutal. 

Darkseid: New 52
Speaking of the denizens of Apokalips, Darkseid's haunting presence from the Snyder Cut is getting not one but two action figures meaning that the possibility of movie based figures for the character is now over. That leaves me looking to the comics for whichever Darkseid I want next, and I don't have to look far as the New 52's massive, power house Darkseid is a version I really enjoyed reading. Justice League: Origins and the Darkseid War were both fantastic depictions of the character!

Shazam: Mazahs
One of my all time favorite reimagines of characters from classic comics to the New 52 continuity is the change Alexander Luthor of Earth 3 went through during the Forever Evil storyline, in this new multiverse becoming the Shazam of his world, a being who absorbed the powers of whoever he killed: Mazahs! The King Shazam we're getting from Mcfarlane looks great, but there's one evil Shazam I want above all the others, and it's the "hero" of Earth 3!

King Shark: comic book hammerhead design
I've heard lots of complaints levelled against the upcoming King Shark as looking too cuddly and not ferocious enough; however, I'll point out the trailer scene of King Shark ripping a man in two as evidence that the upcoming King Shark is plenty monster enough! According to James Gunn, the movie almost went with the hammerhead design of the character and for Mcfarlane I hope that's the route we go next! I've always been a big fan of the hammerhead look for the character, and it would make such an interesting, unique figure in the line!

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight
The Batman train keeps up trucking along, and I'm sure now that however many other characters appear in the line there will always be Batmen to compensate the Batside of the things. One big Batman from the multiverse that I'm still waiting on Mcfarlane to jump into is the Gaslight storyline, a very unique take on the Batman tale plunging him into old England with a fight against Jack the Ripper! Gaslight's Batman design is one of my favorites from the multiverse, and this story one of biggest elseworlds not yet introduced to the line!

Superman: Rebirth
This is a design for the character I've talked about a lot recently, but the Rebirth era Superman comics are by far some of my favorite modern comics I've read in a long time. They're purely fun, and the exploration of Clark, Lois, and Jon as a family made for such a different and new take on Superman stories! With the Infected Superman mold being basically perfect for a standard Superman, and the Rebirth Bizarro figure adding the sculpted belt piece to the line, minimal new pieces would be needed to bring a Rebirth Superman into the mix, and I hope it happens soon!


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