Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse figures based on the Rebirth era Flash series

Flash's Rebirth series of comics is certainly one of my favorite DC comic series of all time. I love the tone of the series, the title character and the villains he fights, not to mention some truly incredible storylines! Mcfarlane has already dipped his toes into this series with the Rebirth based Flash figure, but I'm wanting more, and with Flash and his series being one of the most popular from DC comics, I'm hoping the wait for more won't be long! And here are the top 5 characters I hope to see made into figures by Mcfarlane from Flash's Rebirth era series!

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5. Fuerza, Psych, and Steadfast

The Flash War, Force Quest, and accompanying storylines that followed the revelation of new Forces alongside the Speed Force was a truly compelling development for the lore of the Speed force and the new users of the adjacent forces were all really cool. While we saw other characters take control of these forces, it was Fuerza, Psych, and Steadfast who truly took ownership of them. Fuerza was an awesome addition to the series, with both her costume and Psych's begging to be made into figures. Steadfast didn't make as much of an impact character or costume wise, but to build out the new trio of forces he would be a must.

4. The Rogues
There have been several storylines featuring the Rogues throughout the Rebirth series, and I've really enjoyed each one! The relationship of the Rogues have been one of the most unique of supervillain teams, and it was cool to see it twisted and tested as the years went on. Weather Wizard and Axel's Trickster have been two of my favorites, but there is no ignoring the significance of Captain Cold, or others on the team like Mirror Master, Heat Wave, and Golden Glider. There are a few costume options for these characters to choose from, so I hope Mcfarlane takes his pick.

3. Trickster and Turtle

These two aren't quite Rogues, so I'm giving them their own slot because both had some of the best storylines in the series. Flash's Year One storyline was a fantastic look back at Flash's beginnings, and the intertwining of the vicious future, and the villain called Turtle were all really cool to read. The return though of the James Jesse Trickster stands out as one of my all time favorite storylines from the series, as a character that we hadn't seen in literally forever came back in a big way and solidified himself as one of the most dangerous of all of Flash's villains. 

2. Heroic speedsters

A lot of characters are getting lumped together in this slot, and the next, as this one will encompass basically all of the heroic speedster characters we followed in the line. Wally West, Wallace West, Meena and Avery, all of them had spectacular roles in the series and great looking costumes that would translate into great figures. There's plenty more Barry Allen available for adaptation as well, with his current figure being easily repaintable into his Negative Flash form, and both his Year One and Future Flash designs having the makings for unique Barry Allen figures. 

1. Villainous speedsters

While I love all the other characters and designs I've talked about, these are the true bread and butter of the Flash's world and some of the most needed characters in plastic form from Mcfarlane. Reverse Flash has been appearing on many collectors' most wanted list of figures, and I've seen countless customs being made out of Flash's Rebirth figure! After some truly stand out storylines featuring the character in Flash's Rebirth series, he is no doubt my most wanted figure from the comic line. Zoom was another thrilling character to get the spotlight again, not to mention the terrifying presence of the Black Flash, the really interesting introduction and inclusion of the Tornado Twins, and Godspeed who is one of the most famous newer characters DC has introduced in a long time. 


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