Top 5 most wanted Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe figures vol 2

Transformers Cyberverse, while kid oriented, was actually not that bad and I really enjoyed it while acknowledging some of the sillier things that would happen. Season 3 in particular really kicked things up a notch, and I've never seen a Transformers show so willing to kill off major characters! The deluxe line of figures that gives the show true action figure has been slow, without a ton of character additions, but it has been steadily building and from my previous most wanted list of figures based on the series we now have Starscream, Soundwave, and Cheetor! So with two tv movies on the way, and Cyberverse set to take the screen one more time, this is my updated list of my most wanted Transformers Cyberverse deluxe figures vol 2!

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5. Rack'n'Ruin
This character wasn't ever terribly important to the plot of the show but was such a fun character to have around! It is a deep cut into Transformers lore, and his humorous personality and desire to stack things neatly (only to have it knocked over by the shenanigans of the episode) were a lot of fun to experience with the character! Even if just a deluxe based on his Cyberverse design, having a new Rack'n'Ruin figure would be so cool too!

4. Dead End
Brought into the fold as a major character in season 3 of the show, Dead End was a deadpan, serious bot who ended up teaming up with Hot Rod for a long time to face their common foe. I loved his red and black color palate, along with the hood of his car hanging behind his head. He was a great character to get to know more in depth, and his relationship later on with Astrotrain was so much fun to watch.

3. Slipstream
A major character missing from the toyline right now is Slipstream, Windblade's nemesis for a lot of the show who ended up meeting a surprising fate during the show's second season! She took command of the Seekers for a long time following Starscream's leave from the Decepticons, though it turned out to be a folly leadership and seeing her learn the error of her ways and works towards uniting the Autobots and Decepticons was nice before her send off!

2. Wheeljack
This may be one of my favorite renditions of Wheeljack ever! He is so positive, so fun loving, and so optimistic about things even when his inventions or discoveries may not have the best outcomes! His dynamic with Shockwave was one of my favorite relationships seen on the show, however brief, and his overall designs is a great homage to G1 while adding things such as a his "facial hair!"

1. Windblade
I mentioned how Slipstream was a major character missing from the line right now, but by far the character most notably absent from the line up thus far is Windblade! She was the secondary protagonist throughout the beginning of the show and played a pivotal role in the third season of the series! I'm shocked that this character wasn't included in either of the first few waves, and I hope we don't go much longer without her in the line to round out a lot of our main cast!


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