Top 5 most wanted McFarlane DC Multiverse Flash figures vol 3

Aside from the Batman mythos and Superman mythos, the Flash comics are definitely feeling a lot of love in the Mcfarlane toyline and we've gotten several different versions of several speedsters already in the line! Multiple Barry Allens, Wallys, Jays, a couple Reverse Flash, not to mention further supporting cast members like Godspeed, Impulse, and the Death Metal Dark Flash! I personally really love the Flash comics so getting so much figure representation from them has been awesome, and these are five more Flash designs I hope speed into the collection next!

Honorable mention: Negative Flash

This one could be achieved with a simple repaint of our typical Rebirth Flash mold that we've seen a few times at this point. The Negative Flash storyline was one of my favorites from the Rebirth run, stuffing Barry with negative energy, and giving him a wicked new look with plenty of black pulsing through his usually red costume! 

5. New 52 red and gold suit

Later on in the New 52 run of Flash comics Barry traded out the red suit he had been wearing up to that point with one that added several gold accents throughout that I personally really liked, and wished we had seen more of! I think the gold really popped on the design, and I wish he had stuck with this suit design for a bit longer than he did.

4. Blue Lantern Barry

We got an amazing wave of Blackest Night figures and I hope that the figure train for that epic DC storyline doesn't stop, because it was one of DC's biggest and most popular events that introduced us to dozens of designs that would be incredible to have in Mcfarlane's DC Multiverse line! The deputy Lanterns is a group I sorely want them to dive into a bit more, and Barry as a Blue Lantern is one of the top designs from that group I want Mcfarlane to put out!

3. Wallace West (Futures End)

This has got to be one of my all time favorite Flash suits from the comics, and I hate how tragically short lived it was! The silver absolutely shines, and stands out as a color pallet we don't see on speedsters too often. The Futures End depiction of Wallace utilized this suit after gaining powers, and later on showed up briefly to aid present day Barry in a battle against Future Flash. Most recently, the suit has resurfaced again in Wallace's "ideal" world during the Dark Crisis event, and I hope it at some point surfaces in the toyline as well!

2. Jay Garrick (Earth-2)

We've finally starting delving into the New 52 Earth 2 comic series via the Thomas Wayne Batman, even if it is "technically" sourced from the alternate skin in the Arkham Knight videogame, and I hope we get lots more characters from the series! Jay Garrick is one of the principle characters throughout, sporting a very streamlined costume was a very cool new variation of the classic winged helmet! 

1. Future Flash (New 52)

My definite favorite storyline from the New 52 Flash comics was the one that introduced us to the Future Flash, a disillusioned Barry Allen from the future so desperate to fix his past mistakes that he ends up the villain. His design ranks among my favorites of the Flash designs, with the vibrant, brilliant blue and all the technological detail running throughout his costume. Mcfarlane has done a great job with sculpting detailing so far, so I know he'd be able to blow this design out of the water!


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