Top 5 most wanted DC Multiverse Nolan Batman trilogy figures

I was a huge fan of the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy when it came out and still really enjoy those movies when I go back and watch them! So I was extremely excited when Mcfarlane revealed that he is making a wave of figures based off that trilogy that encompasses Batman and several of the main villains from the series! We rarely get live action figures as well unless it is for an upcoming movie, so to see him go back to an existing film to produce figures also makes me hopeful he'll go back one day for other older live action films! The Dark Knight trilogy wave we're getting is pretty much perfect, giving us Batman himself from The Dark Knight along with Scarecrow, Two Face, Joker, and Bane! I hope it doesn't stop there though, and that we get a few more characters that I'll list off here!

5. Batman (Batman Begins)

The first film in the trilogy isn't talked about nearly as much as the others, but Batman Begins is a very solid film that reintroduced a more serious Batman to movie going audiences! While The Dark Knight suit is undoubtedly the one that is most iconic from the series, the first Batsuit Bruce Wayne uses in the movies has a lot going for it as well with a smoother look, more prominent Bat symbol, though the lack of neck movement is an unfortunate call back to the Keaton days. 

4. Ra's al Ghul

While Liam Neeson may not be the typical ethnicity associated with Ra's in the comics, he is still a great actor and helped the movie pull a fun twist where his character wasn't revealed to be Ra's until later on in the film. The character was attired in a simple suit for the climax which isn't as exciting as an action figure; however, they could easily utilize his training design from earlier in the film when he and Bruce were dueling. 

3. Scarecrow (suit)

An easy variant of the Scarecrow figure that can be pulled off would be the look that he uses for most of the movie. While I'm excited that they're going for the straight jacket design from the end of the movie as that's the look I prefer (As shortly as it appeared on screen), for most of the film Scarecrow simply wears a suit and pulls his sack head on as a macabre headpiece. 

2. Catwoman

Along with Ra's, Catwoman is the other big character/antagonist/ally from the trilogy that is left out of the initial wave (The less said about Talia the better). Anne Hathaway did a great job in the role, with a simple but effective Catwoman costume that brings realism to the comic design with such a fun touch of the goggles flipping up to look like cat ears! 

1. Bane (Trench jacket)

Another variant that I would love to see would be Bane in his trench jacket! This is the main look I associate with him from the movie, and I think the jacket completes his overall design in such a pleasing way. He was my all time favorite villain from the movie (up until he was revealed to be a lackey and then abruptly killed two minutes later), and the base vest design they're going with for the figure looks amazing; however, I'd really like a Gold Label release or some kind of variant to give us this iconic look as well for Tom Hardy's villain!


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