Top 5 wanted Transformers Rise of the Beasts Studio Series figures vol 2

Hasbro is hitting us hard and fast with the Rise of the Beasts products this year, and I'm so excited that we won't have to be waiting years to get decent coverage for the designs and characters in the film like we were stuck doing with the Bumblebee movie (can't believe it wasn't until last year we got most of those Cybertron designs in figure form, the designs people were asking for figures most of). We've gotten a slew of the cast already revealed for the upcoming movie, including Maximals Cheetor and Airazor, along with villains like Battletrap, Freezer, and an epic looking Scourge, not to mention some of the base Autobot cast as well with Bumblebee and Arcee! I hope the line doesn't stop there this year and continues to fill out the cast of this awesome looking movie, and these upcoming five are one's I'm eagerly hoping to see figure representation for soon!

5. Nightbird

We haven't had a proper look at this character yet aside from a look at her sleek looking alternate mode, though there have been leaks of a figure reported to be from the mainline Rise of the Beasts toyline outside of Studio Series. I won't include a picture of that figure in case Hasbro doesn't want it out there more than it is. That may give us a look at what to expect with the figure which is very ninja like in design; however, the colors of the mainline figure are a bit gaudy with the peanut butter colored plastic taking up so much of her figure. So hopefully around the time we get a proper look at her design in the movie we can get a Studio Series interpretation that is colored a bit better.

4. Rhinox

So far the Maximals in the movie have looked awesome! Cheetor skews a bit from the usual design traits associated with the character; however, that lends itself to a very beefy look for the character that I'm excited to see more of in the movie itself! Another Maximal I cannot wait to see more of is Rhinox, a huge mechanical rhino that we don't see much of in the trailer but the glimpse we get looks epic.

3. Mirage

This is the first design in the movie that we get to see proper at the start of the trailer. The way he smoothly slides into a transformation as the human character gets out of the car mid-skid is such a great shot! While his alternate mode is a bit more attuned to Jazz, I like how dynamic and agile his robot mode looks to be! 

2. Wheeljack

Just like Nightbird, we've gotten a look at a leaked figure that appears to be the mainline toy for Wheeljack in the movie. I think his mainline toy (if that's what it is) actually looks pretty great and I'm not sure how much more a Studio Series entry could improve upon it (unless it actually IS the Studio Series version that was leaked!). The boxy van alternate mode is going to be such a fun switch up from Autobots typically turning into sports cars, and based on the trailer and what we see from the leaked figure his robot mode looks very cool as well, even if the head strays completely away from the G1 accuracy we saw in the Bumblebee movie. Just like with the Nightbird figure, I won't be posting a picture of the leaked figure.

1. Optimus Primal

The big ape himself takes the number one slot and I'm honestly shocked that he is not one of the first figures coming out in the line. We get a look at Primal multiple times throughout the trailer, and he looks like an absolute beast! I cannot wait to see him introduced into the live action film series, and based on how impressive the Cheetor and Airazor molds are looking I think Primal could be a slam dunk beast figure in the line! I have no doubt that he is going to steal the show in the movie, and I would lose all sense if Hasbro doesn't produce a figure of one of the biggest characters in the movie this year!


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